I Am Sooooo Mad....


Fish Crazy
Aug 28, 2005
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North Carolina
Well, as some of you may know I'm getting a copper HMPK from Thailand. Well, it arrived safely to the transhipper and she sent it express 1/18 to arrive here 1/20, today. So this morning the mail carrier called to say that there was an express package that was going to be brought this afternoon. Okay. Well, up the road and back goes the mail carrier. I go to the mailbox and what do I find.... NO BOX!!!!!!! just a little pink card saying come to the post office after 4pm. They couldn't just drive up to the gate honk the horn and or put the box in the mail box?! :angry: I am just so mad.... Now I'm counting down until time to leave and go to the post office. If he's actually alive I'll post pics once he's settled.
I've had them do that to me before..stupid mail carriers. lol hope he's ok though.
I hope that doesn't happen to me when I order my female bettas from Styx espically since I'm having it shipped priorty and she doesn't have a return policy for priorty shippings, I wouldn't be able to get a ride to the post office. Just a quick questions, whats the purpose of a trans shipper, do they use them if your sending bettas from one state to another?
Well, thank god he's alive. He is very pretty. He's acclimating at the moment. Such pretty eyes too. :D
Durbkat, I believe the purpose of a transhipper is to get the fish from Thailand or what ever country they might come from, through customs and then they ship to you.
Nothing the PO does suprises me anymore. I called their 800 number to complain once again and was refered to the Office of Consumer Affairs and even then they still delivered mail from other addresses and my mail went around the neighborhood some place. We have a new carrier so I'm hoping this solves the problem. So far so good and hope the other one never returns. If you get one that isn't motivated or has to take Vicodan every day to complete his route as ours did, you'll have all kinds of problems. I'm glad you got your Betta ok so the story has a happy ending. B)
Thanks everyone.
happyannie: My mom had the same type of experience when her parents died. We were getting mail from another family with the same last name and almost the same street address. It was quite annoying, we finally got it somewhat straightened out.
Also, I'll be starting a pic thread, hear in a couple minutes.
Glad to hear he made it ok! That's just sloppy service, they're supposed to drive up to your house and honk or even knock on the door when they deliver Express because you have to sign for the package unless the shipper has waived that requirement. How the heck are you supposed to sign for it if they never let you know they're there?!

Durbkat -- Don't worry, it's not required that you sign for Priority packages so yours will just be left in your mailbox or on your porch.

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