Pence is in the ten gallon tank with the tetras. I didn't want him to go in with them, but the water quality in his other tank was very poor. This may sound very concerning, but I put beneficial bacteria in the 10 gallon and today I will get an ammonia test kit.
I did a huge water change of the 5.5 gallon, cleaned out the gravel, and wiped off the algae. I'm letting the water settle for a bit before putting Pence back in. I also put some BettaFix in the water, which helps bacterial infections and kind of relieves stress too. I suspect Pence may have dropsy so I am definitely moving him to the 5.5 gallon.
Also yes, It would have been better to wait a while for the tank to cycle, but Pence's tank and condition was so bad I just had to get the tetras out.
If you look at my other thread there will be more info.