I Am So Angry I Could Have Killed Today (Just Venting)


Fish Herder
Feb 21, 2012
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Last tuesday I spent several hours in the Aquatic Design Center marine section with my friend the assistant manager of the marine section.
The manager of the marine section some time ago had assured me that he would try, but it would be almost impossible to get a pair of coral banded shrimp and a pair of coral beauties as I asked him to.
I had done some research on pairing up livestock and they had just received a shipment from TMC.
Over the course of several hours i had managed to pair up two coral banded shrimps and two coral beauties. I was so pleased about it! The two pairs were left in the shop tanks to settle and bond properly.
This afternoon I go and pick them up...
The manager of the marine section had put the pair of coral beauties up for sale and he's sold the pair of coral banded shrimp
It's not a case of he didn't know they were mine, because I am well known in that shop, I spend a lot of time in there and i spend a lot of money in there.
Also on tuesday I have spent several hours pairing the shimp and the fish, and it was in full view. I also had a quick chat with the jerk about them.
If you ask anyone that knows me I rarely get angry, some of my best friends have NEVER seen me more than annoyed and I tend to take everything in my stride. Today I seriously frightened a friend that happened to be with me. Had the manager of the marine section been in the shop today I am sure I would have pummelled him to a pulp.
I'm sorry if this offends someone, but I seriously doubt I would have managed to control myself. If there is something sends me spinning is this lack of respect.
I have already filed a formal complaint, and on sunday I will go and pick up my pair of coral beauties (couldn't today for various reasons). I'm not going tomorrow, because the manager will be working tomorrow, but my friend the assistant manager won't be there to hold me back.
Please let me make this clear: I am still a happy customer of the shop, it's this individual I would happily skin alive and roll in salt.
 i don't blame you.  One of the managers at a store near me is a complete prick.  He always has an attitude and acts like he hates his job.  When someone says you need to speak with the manager.  I tell them i do not deal with pricks with no respect and attitudes. When I am spending this kind of money on fish and products, i expect to be treated with the highest level of respect.  I found out who the gm was and explained to them that they may want to consider finding someone who can maybe give a little smile or not speak with a tone of a complete dick.  I actually have to go back to the store and speak with him : )  I hope he has an attitude adjustment.
Reminds me of when I was still into bettas, a fish store in SF had the most beautiful betta I'd ever seen. It was bright red (I think they called it a delta tail?) with white trim all around the edges of its fins..I asked the store manager to hold it for me for 2 days until I got a new tank for it...I go back and it's sold, the managers excuse being that he FORGOT when there was a sticky note on the 10 gallon tank he was in to hold this betta...I've never bought or tried to buy a betta since, just never seen one that is as beautiful as that one was.
That would Bad word removed me off too, you had every right to be angry, especially after all that time you spent there. I don't blame you.
Everytime I ask the LFS to order me in Pakistani loaches, they always happen to forget or sell them. I don't even bother now. 
It's not about the fish and the shrimps themselves that I got so angry*. It's about the lack of respect for a regular customer (one of those that would rather buy in a fish shop than on internet and is keeping his job, may I add), the lack of respect for the effort in researching how to do the pairings (that he couldn't care less to do) and the lack of respect for the effort put in actually pairing the fish and shrimps.
I am well known in that shop. I often stay in after closure to chat to the staff.

When I was working on pairing the fish and shrimp I made it very clear what I was doing and I talked (to the marine section manager too) about it.
I had even taken a day off work to do this as I don't have the facilities to do this at home. When I went in the store the staff were surprised to see me so earlier than usual and I told them I was there to do some pairing work in the marine section.

I did the research for pairing the shrimps and the fish, otherwise nobody at the store would have known how to (unless they researched too). What is worse the manager of the marine section doesn't give a toss about learning new stuff and doing things properly. While the assistant manager was all excited about this pairing work and tried to follow me as much as possible (compatibly with serving other customers) the manager just didn't care.

Now they have started offering pairs of dwarf angels to other customers thanks to my work.

Those shrimps and fish were mine as good as if I'd paid them in full, and the shop manager absolutely agrees with me.
*BTW, if he had been there I would have shouted at him, possibly been abusive, but I wouldn't have ACTUALLY laid a hand on him.
It helps to blow off steam to imagine it though...
MOD EDIT: (Based on this final statement, the title has been changed... Its for the best not to threaten murder, even if its only on the internet.)
Wow! What a, filth, filth filth!
Sorry to hear such effort gone for not because of a pimple on the hindquarters of humanity.
Glad to hear that one pompus twerp hasn't set you off the shop.

As for imagining. A few sleepless nights have been filled with a 'better dead list'. And how disrespectful wastes of protoplasm like that should get that way.
I agree it's a nice stress reliever.
I appreciate your feelings of anger (and disappointment) in this episode, but the statements to maim or kill the individual are over the line.
Wow, I would have been livid, though im extremely interested in how you got pairs of dwarf angels
GAB99 said:
Wow, I would have been livid, though im extremely interested in how you got pairs of dwarf angels
Not difficult after all, just tedious. It works just like clowns, just in reverse. They are all born female then the dominant one becomes male. You get a very juvenile one and any other one and put them together. If the any other one is male then he's the dominant one, if it's a female then they'll sort it out themselves.
I say it's more tedious because yoy have to sit there for hours making sure aggression doesn't start, after a couple of hours you can ge reasonably sure they'll be fine. The male will constantly poke at the female as part of the courtship and it will look as he's attacking her. You have to look for the absence of gill flaring and other territorial display signs.
It's more tedious also because you might be unlucky enough to pick a female that has already started to turn male, as they are normally all kept in separate holding tanks as, you know... "they're aggressive and you can only have one per tank"...
If you have picked one that is about to turn male then once she does real aggression will ensue, but it will take a longish time to happen, so you have to keep an eye on them for a couple of weeks to look for signs of aggression. At that point you're safe.
Ok, the guy called me, there have been explanations and apologies on both sides and the air has been cleared.
I won't go into details because it's personal issues he has I don't feel it would be right to divulge them.
I would like to apologise to the forum too, for going off like that. it was unwarranted and unfair all round.
I can understand your total frustration and anger and subsequent venting on the forum. Heck sometimes I get mighty peeved at my preferred pet shop, justified I think when Endlers are not common in my area and I go to great lengths to get some and explain that under NO circumstances are they to go in with guppies. Then the store owner decides that they need to bunch up fish species and dumps endlers in with guppies. While at the same time allowing fish that hunt down the cherry shrimp I supply them with into the shrimp tank. And most annoyingly not feeding the shrimp and wondering why they keep dying.
So yes a shop can drive you around the bend.
Just glad that you have managed to work out your problem with them and both parties are happy with the outcome
PS And thank you for apologising publicly to the forum community for your out burst 

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