I am new here! Just join in. :)


Moved On
Dec 22, 2004
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Hello. I am new here. I have bettas, midas, and flowerhorns. Merry christmas to all of you. :)
Hi Whiskerz and shark_lover! Great to have someone saying hi to me. This web is cool and it recommended by juliet! I will be here more often.:) LOL Cheers! :lol:
Glad to see you've made it here - I think you'll find us all pretty friendly and helpful. :p And we're all gonna be bugging you about that crazy betta of yours! :) Welcome.
Hi juliethegr8t.
I am finally here. Didn't know this website at all until you told me. LOL Pretty cool here. Hope they will bug me more. :rofl:
My new experiment breeding betta success again. A hm male with a veiltail mixed babies are totally hatch! It looks like more than 200 inside. The father is the first time so he is totally lost looking at those active swimming babies everywhere. LOL Let him have fun there. I think he is hungry too and need some food. Tell you more later about this hatching.
OK. I post some midas in another area since here cannot up the pictures.:)
Hi sasha! I will! I will. So far it is a great site. I hope to met more people in here. :) Just got in here 24 hours and already become a fish fanatic. LOL Not newbie anymore. LOL :p

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