I am considering a cichilid tank

i would have thaught you could get a pair of discus in that tank is it the foot print?
If lucky, you may be able to house at the most 2 discus in this tank.

From my initial reply!!

Jamnog....yes it is the footprint. A bow front is a specialized tank. If I am not mistaking the front is not a full width of 28" from end to end and it's length is only 3" longer than a standard 15 gallon tank.

A large protion of it's tank volume is made up in height!!

I still would not recommend it, but a pair would work!!

This, of course is JMO!!


NOTE* Mama.....I am not criticizing/slamming your tank. I am sure it is going to be a fantastic tank with whatever species of fish you decide to house. I just wanted to answer the questions to my replies as completely as I could!!
Mama, go with a species tank. Puffers!!! I have always wanted a corner or hex tank with puffers. They are very interactive and have lots of character. You could probably fit quite a few puffers in that tank. If you are interested, ask Pufferpack, the resident puffer master. heh.
NOTE* Mama.....I am not criticizing/slamming your tank. I am sure it is going to be a fantastic tank with whatever species of fish you decide to house. I just wanted to answer the questions to my replies as completely as I could!!

Thanks a lot CM , I wish I would have known before I built a shelf to house it!!!

:lol: Just kidding :lol: ......It is the perfect tank for the space I have to fill...that is what I liked about it!

I had not even factored in the floor space of the tank, so I am glad to know that makes a difference.
Would it be a good grow out tank for dime size baby angels?

maybe one of these days some will actually survive!!
My pair is on their 3rd day of taking care of their wigglers, and doing a great job....I think there are about 75-100 left.

I might like to have a 1 fish tank though(hubby likes the larger fish)....but I want it to have plenty of space, what type if cichlid would be good here if I just wanted 1......make it a pretty one,

and it would be nice if it went with my bedroom decor.....Victorian, with some natural colors, eggplant, autumn gold, and some animal prints are just some of the things I have going on in that room........ :lol: :lol: (kidding)
I am not THAT bad......blue or yellow wouldn't go well though! :p

oh yes..... :hi: to the forum WorldNation......looking forward to seeing more discussions between u 2 :lol: :lol:

Thanks all........ I will do a little researching on dwarf cichlids....might be intresting. ;)
:fish: :fish:

hummm.......I have actually looked at the puffers at the LFS thinking how cool they were, and when I asked about them...the guy said they are very aggressive....but if I were just keeping puffers,... :/ I will have to look into that a bit more too......
Well for one large fish i would consider a Green Terror. I love mine he is beautiful.

Oh sorry that one isn't mine, mine is still small. Same colorings though. That is a mature one.
cichlidmaster said:

First let me say "WELCOME"!!

Next......I have personally had a midas at 14" at the time of his demise and currently have a male frontosa at around 13".

While I agree a female would stay smaller, this would require a decent size fish to either vent or sex out by appearance. I would venture a guess of at least 4".

While midas here at 4" are not overly expensive (unless barred or wild) they are in other parts of the country where they are not as common, plus it takes away the fun of growing it out!!

The blood Parrot issue is one of personal choice. I am not into hybrids of any type (being a former breeder), but do not chastise those who like and keep them!!

I agree about the one fish tank!! My 14" midas was in a tank by himself as well as my current frontosa. I admit that a large fish such as a midas, red devil ect. make a very nice display!!

WorldNation.....I look forward to many more posts with you here in this forum as well as the rest on this board. Nothing like a good discussion at 5:30 am!! :hyper: :hyper: :lol: :lol: :lol: :D

Sorry Mama....didn't mean to steal your thread. :D :D

thnk u for da welcome :)

its good to be here.

wow, 14 inch midas and frontosa'a eh..hmm, didn't know that, and now i do :), maybe i'll get a 1 fish tank as well. lol i really want ether a midas, texas, or a red terror. mwuhahaha, i think my gf would kill me though :) she hates my fish, lmao :rolleyes: :fun:
i really want ether a midas, texas, or a red terror.

I'm with you on the Festae. Definately a kicka$$ fish. I want one with a trimac. That would be sweet.

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