I Am Beginner With Few Questions

I recommend not having the pleco in their right now unless your giving him algea waffers daily, new tanks don't develop algea for usually the first 3-4 months! your pleco may be starving and you just don't know it :lol: not to sound mean :p
anyways good luck :D
I recommend not having the pleco in their right now unless your giving him algea waffers daily, new tanks don't develop algea for usually the first 3-4 months! your pleco may be starving and you just don't know it :lol: not to sound mean :p
anyways good luck :D
Alight all had my tank now 30x15x12 for about 2 months very happy, have only lost one fish in first week.

In tank i currently have

5 neon tetras
4 green tiger barbs
4 serpae tetra (did have 5 but lost one)
4 sunset platies
2 neon dwarf gouramis
1 pleco
2 loches

my water has a brown colour to it, i think it is the bogwood is that right?

how often do i do a water change? and how much? last one i did i did about a 1/3

there diet is flake, daphnia (freeze dried), brine shrimp (freeze dried) and for the pleco algae wafers every now and then as a treat

i also give them no food on sundays (give brine shrimp saturdays which i find messy so they have a good clear up!

Volume determination - http://www.onlineconversion.com/volume.htm
Nobody has mentioned that the loach Gyrinocheilus aymonieri is the Chinese algae eater!
Not totally sure but the silvery/grey and gold coloured fish maybe Dwarf Algae Eaters. like CAE (Tropical fish4u have a gold one and call it. lol..........Golden Dwarf Algae Eater and............Dwarf Algae Eater. see below



Not sure what type of fish they are, but these should mean that you don't need the plec, which deffo doesn't want to be in your tank. The LFS where you bought him should take him back.

UNDERWORLDE - You should be proud of your British Heritage. Don't let the Yanks steal the word Imperial. lol
Nobody has mentioned that the loach Gyrinocheilus aymonieri is the Chinese algae eater!

I don't think you should assume it is a CAE, the picture looks identical to the one I put a link to, and with him saying that he also has a gold one makes me think it is more likely to be a gold and a silver dwarf algae eater (if there is such a thing)

supercoley, the link you posted ( the second one ) is a CAE. it's max size is 20 cm. From this I would be lead to believe that bennett has a CAE. The golden algae eater on tropicalfish4u.co.uk states that its max size is 4 cm which I feel could be a typing error. %look at edit*1 for reason!%

bennett, if the loach you are describing is a chinese algae eater it will be peaceful for around a year ( or until it's large) and then it'll get very aggressive and won't eat algae anymore. If i were you i would remove it as well as the plec and take them to your lfs.


EDIT*1- also supercoley, look at the scientific names of the fish in your links and the CAE: all three are Gyrinocheilus Aymonieri!!

EDIT*2- the advert you posted supercoley and this link are frightfully similar: http://www.liveaquaria.com/product/prod_Di....cfm?pCatId=938 and in this advert it states at the top right that it's max size is an inch....but at the bottom it states that the fishes size when posted will be between 1 and three quarter inches to 2 and a half inches! which is ... interesting to say the least
UNDERWORLDE - You should be proud of your British Heritage. Don't let the Yanks steal the word Imperial. lol
Ab-so-bloody-lutely not!

Blummin' yanks nick our crap measurement system, bugger it up by changing it and then force it down everyone's necks. Just like they're doing with our language! Damn their cotton-pickin' eyes!


EDIT*1- also supercoley, look at the scientific names of the fish in your links and the CAE: all three are Gyrinocheilus Aymonieri!!

EDIT*2- the advert you posted supercoley and this link are frightfully similar: http://www.liveaquaria.com/product/prod_Di....cfm?pCatId=938 and in this advert it states at the top right that it's max size is an inch....but at the bottom it states that the fishes size when posted will be between 1 and three quarter inches to 2 and a half inches! which is ... interesting to say the least

I totally agree. thats why I put on the end of my comment 'if there is such a thing' I know tropicalfish4u have a few errors on their site and they do like to invent names as I pointed out on another post about the Common Plec being named 'Clown Sucker Plec'.

I guess that now they are a sponsor on this site they'll update, and at least people on the site can now notify them of any errors.

I don't know much about algae eaters, not really interesting fish to me, I just remember seeing these on TF4U site whilst browsing a while back, and thought I'd try help with ID.

Appreciate you updating me though. I have a lot to learn as we all do, and the only way to learn is from researching, making mistakes, or being told.
sorry sc, I kinda got the wrong end of the stick... it's hard to tell tone from text sometimes! (understandable after 2 new year parties in 2 nights:p )...but I just thought i'd make it super clear for bennett just in case.

i never realised tf4u were tff sponsors now. Hopefully they'll polish up a little bit! Quite a few mistakes throughout their website ( eg reccomendations, chinese/dwarf/suckermouth/golden/whatever algae eater, clown sucker plec thingy)


greg :good:
Thanks for all the replies,yeah i have been giving the plec algae wafters when light is turned off (via timer ) at about 2 am, he always eats them so think he likes them ;)

as for the loaches they were simply called 'sucking loach' in the retailer, bit useless really so i dont no the name i can take a photo if it helps to identify???
No offence taken. It just looked the same to me and as I'm not really into those kinda fishies, I didn't know wether it was a selling tool, error, or an actual fish. I have seen them elsewher called sucking loaches, especially on ebay but there are a lot of high volume salesppl on ebay that give you 2 sentences about the fish (and only the current measurement) and then paragraphs about how good they are at shipping fish, so I don't buy from these ones. I do like PlecoAquatics though, The chap is helpful, and their adverts always tell you the max size and current size.

I'll stick to my plecs, mollies, Danios, Tetras and Betta.
ha! yup, same...well tanganyikans, dwarf cichlids and cories :p just trying to help out with little bits of info I've picked out since I've started through different setups etc :D!

coley, have you bought fish from ebay before? or any fish online in general?

Not as such. I've spoke to the guy at Pleco Aquatics last week cos I am rehoming my Comons this week and arranged with him to deliver 3 Pitbulls. He's quite local so great deal really.

I've looked at fish online a lot but the sorts I go for (apart from plecs) are cheap and the postage price puts me off.

Like 5 99p fish +12.50 postage. different if youre buying a £40plec, if ya see what I mean.

I keep looking tho

bought plants off ther. they come on Thursday pack of 75. don't know what they'll be like. lol

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