I Almost Hijacked

:lol: @ get free bettas. I'm usually one of the ones who give free bettas, but I have been given a fish or two....or a dozen. :blink:

We hold monthly meetings and do our shows, etc. I'd like to see us nominated for the Chapter of the Year award this year, or at least next. We've jumped in both feet first and made a huge splash with the IBC B)
My turn to hijack! Wuv, you're little scrolly bar thing in your sig always has me staring at it and waiting before I even realize what I'm doing. It looks like something's loading, and that's the progress bar! :lol:

Anyway...smaragdina! :wub: I love my smaragdina!
heh heh, it's my master plan to hypnotize all of ya's :p
I love the smaragdina,too!

I forgot to mention that Wally called last night and he said that he would come by and take all of the plakats off my hands. Supposedly he found buyers who were throwing down 20 dollar bills like nobodys business, so thats good. I'll bag them up tonight and that should clear out a LOT of room! I'll keep my picks for Aquabid.
Oh I'm not talking about mine, not my babies. Just the leftover show plakats :nod:
I have a couple bids on the wilds...but one buyer has zero feedback and they're bidding on both the mahachai AND the group of smaragdina. Should I be concerned?
I know when I used to sell on eBay, I didn't like buyers with zero feedback. I guess in this case I can't exactly cancel their bid as we have zero feedback too.
Just be sure you get your money up front. Good luck with your auctions..they are so exciting!
Just be sure you get your money up front.
Indeed. On Aquabid it's not as common for people to have tons of feedback since it's just fish and fish related items... how often do most people order fish, ya know? Chances are your bidder spotted those lovelies and HAD to have them ;)
Ok, then, will do :nod: And I'm trying not to look but I can't help it I just looked!, one of my lil reds got a bid too ^_^
I know, I'm a nerd.

I did some rearranging last night and set up a spawn tank :whistle: No ones in it yet. But, oh yes!
heh heh, no, I have plenty of tanks. At the moment I even have a 50 and a stand sitting on the floor in my fishroom. I have to push it out of my way 75 times a day :S
Buut, I did empty out one shelf of bowls THEN moved some bowls around and made room for a spawn tank. I literally didn't even have the room for a small 5 gallon spawn tank :look:
I like seeing your reds on Aquabid Wuv, it's not often there are any DT plakats listed ^_^
Maybe breeders will see them selling and it will start a trend, lol!
Me toooo :wub: But I probably should have listed them in plakats!
The smaragdina are on the hot items list :santa: :look:

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