I Almost Hijacked


Retired Moderator ⚒️
Feb 19, 2003
Reaction score
Ft.Worth TX
..in fishykisses' beautiful spawn thread I went to rambling, so instead I'll start my own :look:

I want some babies. I'm hard up over here for itty bitties!! You guys are spawning and I'm just dying of jealousy over here. But I don't really have the room atm -_- Unless I take the oldest smaragdina up to my lfs -_- I took fifteen up there the other day, he gave them a beautiful 40g heavily planted tank all to themselves. I went up two days later to check on them and I could only find two girls in the tank. The shop owner wasn't there, his wife was and the girl who works for them. That girl had made an awesome lid out of two crates overlapping so the holes were so,so tiny but she said two jumped out the first night. I told,told,told her how bad they are about jumping so she was extra careful. Yeah well, they were ALL in back of the tank when we finally found them :/ Do I dare take more up there? Or should I just try to sell them on aquabid..? I have maybe 70 or 80 left..
I'm kinda stumped about what to do with them. I'll post about them on the SMP site this week. I'm not really in a rush for a grow out as I won't need a vacant one for at least a month. I'm thinking out loud here =P

So. I have two spawns of interest. One being an F3 (I know!) but I want to do that MG plakat boy to the MG plakat girl that both came out of my "accidental" spawn. And the other would be that purple/blue boy of mine. I would either go with
A. his sister for an F2
B .that awesome metallic blue female plakat I got from the show.

So,I don't know.
I got the Texas Betta Society an Aquabid identity a couple days ago.We're Texasbettasociety (surprise!) Maybe tonight I'll psych myself out and go do a major (major!) photo shoot of all these left over show fish. They have to go . There's really only about 30 or 40 of them here with me, but they eat up my shelves...and my food!!! Then I'm going to shamelessly promote them here. So,watch this space!!!
..in fiishykisses' beautiful spawn thread I went to rambling, so instead I'll start my own :look:

I want some babies. I'm hard up over here for itty bitties!! You guys are spawning and I'm just dying of jealousy over here. But I don't really have the room atm -_- Unless I take the oldest smaragdina up to my lfs -_- I took fifteen up there the other day, he gave them a beautiful 40g heavily planted tank all to themselves. I went up two days later to check on them and I could only find two girls in the tank. The shop owner wasn't there, his wife was and the girl who works for them. That girl had made an awesome lid out of two crates overlapping so the holes were so,so tiny but she said two jumped out the first night. I told,told,told her how bad they are about jumping so she was extra careful. Yeah well, they were ALL in back of the tank when we finally found them :/ Do I dare take more up there? Or should I just try to sell them on aquabid..? I have maybe 70 or 80 left..
I'm kinda stumped about what to do with them. I'll post about them on the SMP site this week. I'm not really in a rush for a grow out as I won't need a vacant one for at least a month. I'm thinking out loud here =P

So. I have two spawns of interest. One being an F3 (I know!) but I want to do that MG plakat boy to the MG plakat girl that both came out of my "accidental" spawn. And the other would be that purple/blue boy of mine. I would either go with
A. his sister for an F2
B .that awesome metallic blue female plakat I got from the show.

So,I don't know.
I got the Texas Betta Society an Aquabid identity a couple days ago.We're Texasbettasociety (surprise!) Maybe tonight I'll psych myself out and go do a major (major!) photo shoot of all these left over show fish. They have to go . There's really only about 30 or 40 of them here with me, but they eat up my shelves...and my food!!! Then I'm going to shamelessly promote them here. So,watch this space!!!

*LAFFS* at the jealousy part. So you have 80 left... hmmm... I think it would be a good idea to gradually to sell them on Aquabid.com but dont sell them all at once because theres going to be 80 ads of the same betta.

-Arrowhead :ninja:
See^ right? 80 ads for the same betta, that's the problem :lol: But if people want them by the groups, I can do that! I've just never bothered trying to get rid of them because I do like them. They're an awesome species tank..it's just...that's my fishroom space. Maybe if I move some things around, and put them on a lower shelf..
I do have an empty twenty gallon. Just not a top shelf that has room for it. And then I can slowly sell groups on Aquabid.

I do have those other wild "wilds" to sell,too.
first of all ...Feel free to Hijack my threads anytime - i like ramblings.
second, i would totally buy some of your wilds!...but sadly - i have no room either. :(
I've always wanted wilds!
first of all ...Feel free to Hijack my threads anytime - i like ramblings.
second, i would totally buy some of your wilds!...but sadly - i have no room either. :(
I've always wanted wilds!

Hey Wuv, my mom's letting me set up my 36 bow-front when I arrive for Winter break. If smaragdina are alright in groups and possibly go well with pygmy corys and harlequins in a densly planted tank, I would consider it. I also have a spare 20g that could possilby go up as well. :fish:

I'm sorry about the juvies you sent that store. That sucks! I recently grew two more eyes in the back of my head so I can watch my imbellis, and Hunding's a jumping fool too.
I think posting on Aquabid is a good idea... or hey, there are probably people here who are interested :thumbs:
You could do like some other sellers do and sell them in a little colony of 6 or something...
^_^ Patiently waiting for the left over show fish to go on aquabid. I'll have fun with that :D

Maybe you can do some sort of buy it now option with the smaragdina, it may be easier to sell them that way instead of waiting a week for each auction to end.
That took a long time, guys -_- No wonder I've been slow getting to it!

Here's MY smaragdina, you can "search all items" to see what I have up so far.

Not much yet unfortunately. I had a hard time getting pics, I almost wonder if it's my wall color. I have this gorgeous blue HM here, I never really noticed him before, but he was so zippy I couldn't get a decent shot

I only focused on a few fish tonight. I'll do more tomorrow :) Plus I put one of my reds up just for fun :look:

lljdma, let me know if you want some! They should get along with cories just fine, not so sure about harlequins though.
He's a very gorgeous little HM. I don't typically have a weakness for blues, but he's just lovely.
They are such cute fish... community betta's... you really sure you want to sell them?

Buy another tank :D
Cool beans, someone already bought the wild smaragdina foursome :eek:
Where has Aquabid been my whole life?! This has inspired me to take pics of everyone now

Maybe not. I really hate doing that when it's not for fun :zz
Plus, I don't think you really *need* to post pics with the wilds.

ral, I know ,they're so darling! I wouldn't mind keeping maybe a dozen of them, it's just...another tank?! Decisions,decisions.

I got an email from Gerald Griffin last night, saying he was coming to Dallas and he wanted to stop by and bring me some fish. This might be the perfect chance for us to identify some of the mystery wilds that Wally has. Yaay for Aquabid!

manyfish, I don't know. Finding a girl would be a challenge, but not impossible. He does have orange on him though.
Are you part of the texasbettasociety I never knew -_- . I think you stated it before... Hmmm..O yeah you did.

-Arrowhead :ninja:
I'm a slave to the Texas Betta Society :look:
J/K, we're a small club so we have to pile on extra work loads to the few dependable folks we have. Someday we'll be big and great B)
We are one of the only two American clubs that are in the Betta Alliance, aaand we're part of Club Singapore,too.

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