I Absolutely Love Amano Shrimp!

They sound great, but does anybody know if larger/Predatory fish eat these?
At the price I paid for them - and really not going to try and find out ! :lol: I certainly won't even think of putting them into my tank with Pictus catfish, and I'm quite certain other large predatory fish will have a go.
I too love the shrimp for the work they do in your aquarium and their interesting swimming patterns. They're real 'characters' to have in the tank and mine often roost on the bogwood in the tank.

HOWEVER the same can't be said for when they escape. I'm quite simply petrified of them, when they actually get free of the water instead of crawling they jump, like giant fleas. You'll often hear me screaming like a big girls blouse if they get out :D

I remember once I had taken some bogwood out of my tank to clean it, and had been busy working away on the tank not really paying attention, as I was confident I'd shook all the shrimp off the bogwood. I happened to glance behind me at the newspaper on the table and to my horror spotted a lone shrimp. Shaking with fear I grabbed the nearest net and advanced towards it, but the shrimp must have guessed my plan and made a pre-emtive jump off the table and onto the floor. I screamed :D but I knew I had to catch it, it's quite hard to try and catch something when you can't bear to be near it. So I lept towards it in an attempt to net it but again the shrimp was too fast and evaded me, leaping further from the dining room and advancing towards my living room rug! I managed to net it eventually and swung it round to towards the open tank, at which point the shrimp began crawling along the handle of the net!!! Yaaahhh, it still goes through me to this day. I managed to get the blighter back in the tank though.

It's something I dread if I'm revamping a tank that's for sure. If I'm buying them from an LFS I have to stand a few feet away from the tank, as I'm terrified they might jump out of the net. Sad I know :*) What can I do though they do a great job. :lol:
:lol: I do agree - when trying to net them, they simply take the ginormous leaps. It's quite astounding how high and far such a little creature can jump. It frightens the living daylights out of me too. Luckily I don't have to net them that often :)
I have been keeping a part time planted tank for around a year now before i recently converted to a fully planted and bought two of these shrimp for my girlfiends tank where they have had to be re~housed while i was setting up the planted tank . They must be around the 2yr mark now with an addition of another 6 . They dont stop working , but you know what that means ................. lots of doo doo's on the plants . There is alot of waste with these shrimp , but the amount of work they do to make it certainly out weighs the negatives . When the plants have settled down and its time to put the fish back in , which will be about a month i was thinking of swapping my shrimp at the lfs and getting the smaller cherry shrimp . These are bright red in colour and can get into very small spaces as i think they only grow around 1~2ins, which can be of help so maybe this will be the way forward for me . Smaller shrimp smaller doo doo's thats gotta be good for the ecco system right ? :/
I want Amano shrimp!!

No LFS around here seems to have any, and the ones online are $4 each!! Any suggestions? o_O
I put one in my 4gal planted tank and after 2 hours, I can't find it anywhere! Are these "schooling" shrimp and will only do what they do if they're in groups? I don't think I can hold more than...like, 2 in this tank...already have 2 whiteclouds.

I doubt the whiteclouds ate it...haha....right? :unsure:

I would love to have shrimp; that picture of your amano is great -- so colorful. :thumbs: But I'm positive my mollies would eat 'em up. :/

I have all manner of fish in with my shrimps including various mollies and have never had a problem with them being together. I doubt you would have an issue
Does anyone know of anywhere by Caerphilly which has amano shrimps?
I love amanos too, well shrimp in general.I have amanos, rainbows and cherrys and im probably gonna get some tigers.

Heres my rainbows and cherrys eating a pea.
I have been keeping a part time planted tank for around a year now before i recently converted to a fully planted and bought two of these shrimp for my girlfiends tank where they have had to be re~housed while i was setting up the planted tank . They must be around the 2yr mark now with an addition of another 6 . They dont stop working , but you know what that means ................. lots of doo doo's on the plants . There is alot of waste with these shrimp , but the amount of work they do to make it certainly out weighs the negatives . When the plants have settled down and its time to put the fish back in , which will be about a month i was thinking of swapping my shrimp at the lfs and getting the smaller cherry shrimp . These are bright red in colour and can get into very small spaces as i think they only grow around 1~2ins, which can be of help so maybe this will be the way forward for me . Smaller shrimp smaller doo doo's thats gotta be good for the ecco system right ? :/

Holy cow you aren't kidding, I have 3 in my 4 gallon tank and they leave a noticeable amount of waste! Who's been saying they don't add to the bioload!? :blink:


Edit: this is hilarious, they're seriously dropping a deuce every few minutes. I've never seen so much poop settle on the bottom so quickly! guess im going to be vaccing tomorrow....

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