Hydrogen peroxide, fish deaths, what causes it

I don't know why you used the peroxide, but ultimately the fish paid for it and that is an avoidable tragedy

Diatoms happen in a newly cycled aquarium, they also appear periodically in well established aquariums...they die off on their own over a couple of weeks. it happens with a water chemistry imbalance, lighting issues and overfeeding the fish. The only help needed, if no patience to let nature take its course, is to wipe down the glass on water change days and vacuum the substrate and decor.

Algae usually happens when you have the lights on for more than 8 hours a day, overfeed the fish and not enough live plants to remove the nutrients that allow algae to thrive

So essentially instead of finding the cause of the problems and dealing with it by reducing the amount you feed the fish, fasting them a couple days a week (which is quite a normal practice anyway), checking the lighting times and adjusting them etc....you dumped a toxic chemical into the aquarium

That shows a lack of patience on your part and a lack of understanding of how a "glass box" actually works and needs caring for.

Marine aquariums are entirely different ecosystems to freshwater aquariums. They have specific care sets that you need to follow and you need to be patient and check your maintenance, lighting, water chemistries.

Dumping medications or other water treatments into any aquarium without first checking the basics of feeding, lighting and water chemistry...and determining the reason for the problem(s) first is foolhardy and inevitably costs the life of any fish that are in the aquarium.

You learnt the hard way......as did your fish since they paid the higher price for your impatience.
virtually all the algae has disappeared now, plants leaves, rocks, background is clear. fish are all busy and active, vampire shrimp are out feeding, water is cloudy showing there is still a lot of biological matter still in the water column. ammonia is creeping back up to 0.25/0.5, system is doing 20% water a day.

I had a diatom bloom 2months ago and they were hanging around and coating the plant leaves, i went low light for 2/3 weeks, even putting cardboard over the tank to shade the worst areas and it made no difference, i had changed tac to go high light and get the plants growing, the HP i thought would give the algae a kick but as ive already said it seemed to work very different in the freshwater tank then it did in my marine setup and caught me off guard, i didnt expect any visible results that day but i came back to see the entire tank stripped of diatoms and algae which were gumming up the filter pad.
I believe the issue in my tank stem from the large cement background & playsand i used to cap the dirt substrate, either way, i thought it was very interesting how effective the HP was at removing 99% of algae from my tank, also worth noting my plants and moss have not taken any hurt from it.

I get a lot of people are anti chemicals and probably the best way is to let things take care of themselves over time, but we all have different setups and opinions

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