Hydor Koralia Nano Power Head


Aug 13, 2005
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London (UK)
Just wondered how noisey they are and what sort of flow you get out of them. I want to replace my fluval 4 (1000lph) with one as I dont as I dont need a second filter but need the water movement that it provided.

The nano is meant to put out 900lph.
They aren't noisy. Quieter than a normal powerhead. They say 900lph but it isn't like a 900 powerhead where everything in the path of the outlet is blown away. Its a more spread flow and so gentler on inhabitants and plants.

I use a Koralia 1 (1500lph) in my 125Ltr alongside a Tetratec EX700 (700lph) and it works great. Good circulation and the fish don't notice it.

Also much more maneovreable than a powerhead is.

I will update the journal at the weekend. All the pics in there are quite outdated so no pics with the Koralia in yet but yes it is the tank in the centre of my signature.

I have used two of the nanos for over a year and a "1" for about 4 months. All of the are excellent. Flow rate is very good and is nicely "spread" rather then direct flow.

I have noticed on all of them when you first use them they can get a little noisy. Its normally because of air build up in the impeller, just turn them on and off a couple of times and they go back to normal. After a week or two they settle in and you will hardly hear them. Very, very good powerheads.
Barney is there much difference in noises between the nano and 1 ?

Also whats the flow difference like as the nano is 900lph and the 1 is 1500lph. IE do you get nearly twice the flow from the 1?

They are both completely silent. As I mentioned before they are where a bit noisy when they where first put in but settle down after a short while.

With regards to flow I have no real way to test it but at a best guess I would say the manufacturers figures are pretty much dead on. I "seem" to get about twice the flow from the 1 as I do the nanos.
A pic of the Koralia 1 in my 80cm tall so you can get an idea of the size. It is in the left rear corner straight along the back horizontally:



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