Hydor Eth External Heater


Fish Addict
Jul 8, 2008
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I have waited a week for this to arrive having ordered a 200W/12mm version, to find that what has arrived is a 200W/16mm version! I have an eheim with 16mm in/12mm out, but the heater box recommends it should go on the outlet side. I have called the supplier and they have no more in stock and could not another to me until the end of next week at the earliest - do I send it back, go out and buy an in-tank one from my LFS, or do you think it would be OK to use on the inlet side? Can't see any reason why not, but best to ask the question!
If it is on the inlet side, it will need cleaning more often, as it will gunge up quicker, but this is trivial... There is bound to be a reson as to why outlet side is recomended, and I doubt cleaning would be it, so I'd be a bit -_- about it...

Why not push a bit of 16mm pipe over the 12mm of the outlet. Secure the "patch" on with jubillee clips to hold it, and you are away. Do the same on the other side and you have a 16mm outlet to attach the heater to, without needing to change your outlet pipe sets ;)

These are cracking heaters IMO, and I would avoid returning them for an internal if possible :good:

All the best
Thanks for the feedback.
Will have to look at that option, as can't get a replacement for at least a week, probably two and have been without aheater now for nearly two weeks. Luckily the room it's in stays quite warm and the tank hasn't dropped below 21C, but with the cold weather approaching I need to get it sorted sooner rather than later.
May have to sell it on at cost, borrow a normal one while i wait for my LFS to order me the correct on in.
Thanks again
There is bound to be a reson as to why outlet side is recomended, and I doubt cleaning would be it, so I'd be a bit -_- about it...

I dont see what difference it would make, the water will still go in the same way which is the only problem the heater could face? i think the only problem like you say is the build up of waste
I'm with Aaron here. I think its just to minimise the time between filter and tank plus waste. Not easy to clean these things.

Are you sure it is a 200W? I thought all the 200W were 12mm and the 300W version were 16mm?

There are two modles of 200W...

They aren't hard to clean, just use a Rabbit drinking bottle brush ;)
there are a number of reasons why it needs to go on the return pipe not the intake

1. it will get dirty
2.it may mess up the thermo stat
3.the most important it may boil your pump on the filter and make all the seal softer

i have felt the heat off the water that comes out of one of these heaters and its not something you want pumping into your pump

as the connection on the heater you have is 16mm and the hose you are trying to put on is 12-16mm it will fit just cut the hose were you are going to put the heater and place the 2 ends you are going to connect to the heater in boiling water for a few Min's it will fit i have done it before

the hose sizes are 12-16mm and 16-22mm

i have put a 16-22mm hose on a 24mm pond filter with no problems if anything it was a better fit

if you want to feel safer get some jubilee clips

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