Hybrids Or Purist


New Member
Jan 4, 2011
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Hi all i read many things about the mixing of cichlids and hybrids so just wanted to find out what you guys think. I will start with i believe there is nothing wrong with cross breeding as long as a they are labled as such i have a albino socolofi which somehow bred with 1 of my peacocks and i saved about 20 fry i was then scorned in a chat forum for not killing the fry which i never will what do you guys think. are you a Purist or mad scientist?
lol seems i may have sexed something wrong as i have just been told socofoli and peacocks cant breed but the question stil stands and the fry seem fine atm
It`s not something I would specifically look to achieve with my fish but if it happens then it happens, I personally couldn`t cull any hybrids myself either.
I currently have 3 pairs of gorgeous Peacocks in my Malawi setup at the moment and I`m fully aware that they can and may well cross breed, but I made the choice to keep them together due to the visual aspect and not the breeding aspect.
I wouldn`t go out and purposely pay money for hybrids but I accept that it could happen with the stock I have.

In relation to hybrids being sold on, I too believe that to knowingly deceive people about what is being sold is wrong, very wrong, but if the correct info is given then it`s down to the buyer to decide.

We all have different opinions, I wouldn`t neccessarily slate someone else for having/breeding hybrids unless they made a living from deceiving customers :/

I`ve just ordered some lovely looking socolofi and Taiwan reefs :)
As individual fish I have nothing at all against hybrids and I think it's up to each individual aquarist to decide if they ought to cull or not. My only concern is if they get out into the hobby in general wihtout it being clearly stated they are hybrids.

I know it's a slightly over the top fear, but it is in theory possible that we could, in the future, lose all our original wild strains if hybridisation was allowed to continue unchecked, which would be a terrible loss :)
as long as you never sell them intentionally no problems :good: it will alway occur in a mixed tank environment as nearly all malawis will cross its just what the breeder chooses to do with them
if they start getting traded its detrimental to the hobby on so many levels especially as a lot of malawi sellers are after a fast buck and not in it for the fish.
hybred fish dont get moved on in any other country in the malawi hobby apart from the uk and i feel this the biggest problem as there are so many ??? malawi that new hobbiests buy them start to try an id them some say it looks like a true fish that them becomes the id and the fry get sold on and the circle continues. If the hobby carries on this way in the uk the fish will be so diluted from what they should be it will be a real shame :sad:
my first fish where hybred fish from lfs since them i only buy f1 or wc to get true fish which i sell on the fry of to fund my hobby at real cheap prices so new keeper get true fish :good:
ps any malawi will possibly cross not sure who told you they wont
thats how the firefish got created!
mbuna x aulonocara

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