Hybrids Of Mine Gambusia Affinis X Poecilia Recticulata

Hi AdrianHD good to see you here.

IU know your be able to explain things much better tham me ;)
Great Forum you folks have here..Lots of different intressting topics...
I will try post pics of Hybrids that I have done.. I think it's a facination field and fun to
see results.. Also One hobbiest can have different results from same cross a nother hobbiest
has done..
I'm not an expert,, Just a hobbiest that has done a lot of trial an error thrue out the years..
Will be glad to share my results and learn of research or experienceses others may like to share..

Thank you.. AdrianHD
I wanna see pictures of Gambusia/Sphenop Molly hybrids and Gambusia Vittata/Guppy hybrid too. And your projects on hybridizing too. How you get Limia cross to what species of molly to get black limia? And you find sterile hybrid gambusia!

I only wanted to have a hardy, cold tolerant but colorful livebearer which that is why we trying to cross Western mosquitofish to the guppy for these traits but so far either we fail or give up.

I still have a female gambusia in the guppy tank for over 1 1/2 years but then I was too lazy to remove the female gambusia to the breeder tank. So I just put melanistic male gambusia with the female gambusia to get some colorful fry.
Toni Marie,
Some pics of your gambusia / guppy hybrids would be good.. ??
I have been thinking of try similar cross..
i have a bunch of those borring mosquito fish in my pond and had once thought of adding some other cool fish like guppies to try to add color to them. Do they get color if croseed with guppies?
These will not just cross breed.

If the females has hew own species the sperm from them will be used, even when just working with 1 male and 1 females to make sure u know who the dad is it's not as easy.
For those that want to try Hybrids that Are possible..

Molly X Guppy / Endler
Molly X Limia
Limia X Guppy / Endler

Guppy / Endler X Gambusia Vitatta

Girardinus Metallicus X Formosa

Poecilia Picta X Guppy/Endler

I have produce one or two young from
((Gold Formosa X Guppy?endler
And)) ((and many young from Female Gambusia X Phenops ))
These two crosses I cannot Guarranty were True crosses..
I used very young Females and obtained offspring when they were
fully matured females..
The reason I believe they were hybrid offspring .. The young were big with slight
different coloration than normal color pure fish.. The offspring Gambusia grew
to twice the size of reg gambusia.. I will try again in future this cross with sure virgine females..
There are many wild poecilia species and types of gambusia that are not found in hobby but have
ability to cross with in thier own genus...
The carribean Ilands are full different types of livebearers..
I am open to criticism, Not all my work has been done in a 100% profesionalism..
I try not to miss lead but can be wrong at times..
And yes Pics are worth a thousand words, make a big differnce between real and just talk..

Just been trying AdrianHD's H. formosa and guppy cross. I've had 2 virgin females with my formosa's now for 4 months and no fry to report.
I have 5 virgin young Guppy/Endler hybrids and I bought one male Black Molly this friday and I hope they will produce some fry.
If I´ll get some Gambusia affinis I wan´t to try some crosses with both of them too, but we´ll see.
What happened with your "experiments"?


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