Fish Addict
well, i hope it will work, ill probly change my 17 gallon to brackish for the hybridization attempt, once i get rid of my female kribensis that is
It comes down to latin names. The names adhere to a system, one can tell how closely two species are related by there names. As far as we are concerned only genus and species names are used. Though there are exceptions, in order for two species to hybridize sucessfully they must have the same genus name.
platy-Xiphphorus variatus
swordtail-Xiphophorus Helleri
molly- Poecilia sphenops
guppy- Poecilia reticulata
Guppy x Platy will not work. You can attempt it, but honestly you are wasting your time. Its about as possible as crossing a dog and cat. Also just because they have the same genus name does not mean they can hybridize. Some may only be able to hybridize artificially, other may have genetic issues. It usually comes down to number of chromosomes, guppies and mollies have 23 + X &Y chromosomes. Platies I believe have an extra chromosome. These are our genetic blueprints, if they don't line up they cannot combine into an new individual.
If you found some pics please link them.
Dont Worry my guppy did the same thing and then got killed by my cichlids. Hope u get lucky next time!i am a failure, after a few months of nothing, i decided to release my male mollies into the tank. so now i need new virgin mollies, and the mollies werent getting pregnant anyway, not that i noticed anyway. maybe one day ill dedicate a 10 gallon to this experiment, so maybe the babies will survive.