I know where you live
Calm down ladies! I'm no expert but it's highly unlikely that a guppy could hybridize with a molly. Not impossible though.
They can hybridize, but they prefer to mate with their own species.
Calm down ladies! I'm no expert but it's highly unlikely that a guppy could hybridize with a molly. Not impossible though.
Common swordtails seen in shops are almost guaranteed to be platy hybrids, and vice versa. And I think I remember reading an article that said lot's of platys in the stores seem to be hybrids of X.maculatus and X.variatus too, so our domestic swordtails potentially have at least 3 species in them.I might have some sort of swordtail hybrid. She is one of those big red ones. She looks like a swordtail, but when put in with my albino koi swords her body shape looks a lot different and she is a lot bigger.
Common swordtails seen in shops are almost guaranteed to be platy hybrids, and vice versa. And I think I remember reading an article that said lot's of platys in the stores seem to be hybrids of X.maculatus and X.variatus too, so our domestic swordtails potentially have at least 3 species in them.I might have some sort of swordtail hybrid. She is one of those big red ones. She looks like a swordtail, but when put in with my albino koi swords her body shape looks a lot different and she is a lot bigger.
Swordtails can get surprising big and stocky anyway, once the store I work in got a small batch of orange swordtails that were about 6" long excluding the tail. I was amazed and thought they were giants, but the elderly gentleman who bought them all said he used to see them like that all the time in stores, and that he was disappointed in the quality of livebearers these days.