Hybirding Gouramis?

I'm not going to keep arguing this. You won't listen to me and I won't listen to you. So to conclude; if you don't like them, don't buy them. :D Let others do what they will. It's not yours or anyone elses place to say what is and isn't appropriate.
Was this directed at me? If so, I didn't say anything about if it's "ok" to own or breed hybrids... I own one myself. All I said was that they're very uncommon in the wild :huh:
I think it more likely it was directed at me. And I must direct it right back. I won't listen to you, you won't listen to me. It isn't your place to say what is or isn't appropriate either. There are plenty of arguments for and against. Most of those against are concerned with keeping wild populations, all over the world, intact. Those for people can look for in your own arguments. But from what I see, they come down to 'if you don't like them, don't buy them' - to rephrase, it's down to personal prefferences. I'm fine with that as long as people consider both sides of the argument. :)
The hybrid forum should be for hybrid enthusiasts.. not hybrid hatas! QUIT PLAYA HATIN!! lol

The hybrid arguments are so pointless I think they should just be outlawed flat out.
I certainly do NOT hate hybrids - if it was me you were reffering to. And I think it's very important for people to see the pros and cons of breeding or keeping hybrids. What's the point in having a hybrids forum when you aren't providing all the info? Should we turn a blind eye to all the relevant issues just because certain people don't like to hear about it?
The thing is, the hybrid pro/con arguments happen over and over again and what does it solve or prove? NOTHING.. nobody is changing anyone elses opinion, and nobody should be trying to.

I'm just sick of seeing pointless bickering.
My mother has what i believe is a cross between a blue and yellow gourami, very cool looking. his body is primarily yellow with dark blue/black stripes, and powder blue on the tips of his fins.
What your mother has is called a 'lavender' three-spot. Blue and yellow gouramies are the same species. Your mother's fish is not a hybrid - just another color morph that is supposed to be the result of breeding a blue with a yellow (gold). It's akin to breeding a poodle with a labrador and getting a labradoodle - all 3 are still dogs :)
how did i stumble across this?
wish i hadn't.........
hate gettin caught up in interesting long posts when its clearly bedtime.....
a well.....

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