Hungrydoug's Fishless Cycle - The Return


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Dec 7, 2009
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So I’ve finally had some time to sort out the tank.

I’ve split this from the old thread to save having a massive amount of numbers to wade through, since we were at day 90! Anyway…

Did a 90% water change using double the amount of dechlorinator, 1.2 tablespoons of bicarb of soda and added 4ppm ammonia.

Tests the next showed a reading of 20ppm for nitrate, which would indicate that the previous tank was at a really high level? The readings the next night were the same.

The only thing I did to the filter was to put it in the last bucket of water I emptied from the tank (it was only out of the water for five minutes or so). Then opened the lid to remove the filter pads to look at them, no obvious sign of a blockage anywhere either. Then the filter was kept in that bucket until the tank was refilled with temperature matched water.

So three months to the day since I started, I'm waiting for the reading to settle and see where we are! I'll let you know what happens.

Ongoing results: First day number is from the ongoing cycle, second day is since the 95% water change.

Day 91/0 ammonia 4 nitrire 0 nitrate 20 20/03/2010 pH 7.0 temperature 28oC 90% water change, 4ppm ammonia 2xdechlor and 1.2 tbsp bicarb added
Day 92/1 ammonia 4 nitrire 0 nitrate 20 pH 8.2 temperature 29oC
Day 93/2 ammonia 3 nitrire 0 nitrate 20 pH 8.2 temperature 29oC
Day 94/3 ammonia 3 nitrire 0 nitrate 20 pH 8.2 temperature 29oC
Day 95/4 ammonia 3 nitrire 0 nitrate 20 pH 8.2 temperature 29oC
Day 96/5 ammonia 1.5 nitrire 0 nitrate 20 pH 8.2 temperature 29oC 25/03/2010
Day 97/6 ammonia 0.5 nitrire 0 nitrate 20 pH 8.2 temperature 29oC
Day 98/7 ammonia 0.25 nitrire 0 nitrate 20 pH 8.2 temperature 29oC
Day 99/8 ammonia 0 nitrire 0 nitrate 20 pH 8.2 temperature 29oC 4ppm ammonia added
Day 100/9 ammonia 3 nitrire 0 nitrate 20 pH 8.2 temperature 29oC
Day 101/10 ammonia 1.5 nitrire 0 nitrate 30 pH 8.2 temperature 29oC 30/03/2010
Day 102/11 ammonia 0.75 nitrire 0 nitrate 30 pH 8.2 temperature 29oC
Day 103/12 ammonia 0 nitrire 0 nitrate 30 pH 8.2 temperature 29oC 4ppm ammonia added
Day 104/13 ammonia 2 nitrire 0 nitrate 30 pH 8.2 temperature 29oC
Day 105/14 ammonia 1 nitrire 0 nitrate 35 pH 8.2 temperature 29oC
Day 106/15 ammonia 0.5 nitrire 0 nitrate 35 pH 8.2 temperature 29oC
Day 107/16 ammonia 0 nitrire 0 nitrate 40 pH 8.2 temperature 29oC 4ppm ammonia added 5/04/2010
Have only glanced at a couple of posts in the previous thread, so I can't remember if anyone already had any good specultions about what's going wrong, but I'll be interested to see how things go for you from here on. Its my feeling that both nitrite and especially nitrate can seem to "hang" through even a large water change and not get diluted out quite as easily as ammonia. My speculation has always been that there are charge attractions involved between these nitrogen compounds and the gravel and organic debris that can hang out in gravel (and in filters for that matter.) This is also supported by people commenting in other situations that 2nd and 3rd followup water changes will subsequently finally clear these things towards zero.

Thanks WD, first post amended to include ongoing results. Looks to my untrained eye that the whole process is starting again! Will wait and see.
Do you have any plants in that tank Doug?
Seeing a drop like that in ammonia without a corresponding increase in nitrites calls into question whether the test method is at fault or some unknown factor like plant growth is removing the ammonia.
Do you have any plants in that tank Doug?
Seeing a drop like that in ammonia without a corresponding increase in nitrites calls into question whether the test method is at fault or some unknown factor like plant growth is removing the ammonia.
No plants in the tank, all I have is the filter, the heater and the substrate. Didn't notice the lack of nitrite but looking at the frst cycle, the nitrite started rising before the ammonia started dropping.

Might try and pick up a nitrite test at the weekend for comparison.
Hi Doug, confused by what you mean about picking up a nitrite test when you've been posting nitrite results. You also need to be posting pH results. WD
Hi Doug, confused by what you mean about picking up a nitrite test when you've been posting nitrite results. You also need to be posting pH results. WD

Sorry WD, meant to say I'd pick up another nitrite test to validate the readings of the first one. Ph and temperature readings added to first post.
OK, makes sense now. And I see you're nitrites have not reached detectable level with that test yet but your ammonia has been doing some stuff in the first week which is good. It all looks ok and you've got a great pH and temperature. WD
OK, makes sense now. And I see you're nitrites have not reached detectable level with that test yet but your ammonia has been doing some stuff in the first week which is good. It all looks ok and you've got a great pH and temperature. WD

Don't know if I possibly developed the nitrite bacteria in the first 'phase' of my cycle but didn;t get as many of the ammonia bacteria which is why I'm not seeing the nitrite level rising but the nitrate level rising?
I guess if we eventually see it dropping ammonia repeatedly to zero (meaning lots of nitrogen is going in) and then we see nitrate(NO3) rising(meaning nitrogen is going out) then we'd know the N-Bacs were actually in there and not waiting to multiply!


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