

Fish Fanatic
Nov 5, 2004
Reaction score
Co. Durham, UK
Well i've just gone and bought a hump back puffer and he really is cute!!

i'll post some pics sonn on dial up at the mo but getting bb as soon as the modem arrives !!

just a couple of questions though does he need salt, have been told he is FW but have read some conflicting reports

also i've seen him referred to as the fugure 8 puffer is that right just i thought that they were something completly different

Also i havn't updated my sig yet so dont panic he's in a nice roomy tank on his own so he can't eat my corys or lovely oto's!!!
I have not heard of a hump back puffer, but if its a figure 8, then yes they need to be kept in brackish water.

If its been in FW so far you need to gradually bring the salinity (Specific Gravity, SG) up to 1.005 over a couple of weeks. Once you get to 1.005 you can slowly raise it after that, they do best in 1.008 give or take .001 I have read.

If it looks like the one in my sig (pics link) or has what looks like two zeros or an 8 on its back, it probably a Figure 8. [My pics are cr*p, this is a figure 8...

Tetraodon palembangensis- thats the Latin name apparanlty it's also known as the dragon puffer but i'm not too sure but he's not the same as the one in the photo but thanks anyway i'm gonna go and have another scout about to see what i can find.
That's the fella!!

At least it says FW- thats what he's in at the mo and he seems really happy the little cutie!!


We have three of these wonderful, if inactive, puffers. (called Smaug, Smeagol & Smidge)
They are certainly true freshwater puffers.
They are also known as 'True Palembang Puffers', 'Hunchback Puffers', 'Dragon Puffers' and 'King Kong Puffers' They slowly grow up to eight inches and require a lot of filtration.

Ours eat live jumbo bloodworm, live shrimp, live mealworms, peeled cooked prawns, cockles and mussels.

They are highly predatory and cannot be kept with much else.
We had a large bristlenose with ours for a while, but they ate one of his eyes and his tail fin so he's been re-located to the comminity tank (and fully healed now)

They don't do much and spend most of the time hiding in plants keeping very still and waiting for dinner to come to them.

They are unfussy about water conditions, as long as it's very, very clean and they prefer a sand substrate.

Here's two of our Dragons:
Thanks Sir Minion

Do you keep your in heavily planted tanks or not , i'm just wondering whether we should change his set up a bit- he's got a couple of plants but he could do with some bigger ones i think! Also going to add some caves into thier aswell.

Shame you can't add anything in with him but never mind he's got loads of character so thats fine!!

Also i saw your pic of Martha and wondered if humph would puff up like that ?(not that i'm gonna prod him with a stick but so i can be prepared in case he ever practises!!!!)

Your puffers a V cute!!
SHELL said:
Do you keep your in heavily planted tanks or not , i'm just wondering whether we should change his set up a bit- he's got a couple of plants but he could do with some bigger ones i think! Also going to add some caves into thier as well.
Yes, the Dragon tank is very heavily planted with lots of caves. The puffers like to sleep in the caves by night and lurk in the plants by day.
SHELL said:
Also i saw your pic of Martha and wondered if humph would puff up like that ?(not that i'm gonna prod him with a stick but so i can be prepared in case he ever practises.
Yes, Dragons are fully capable of puffing like Martha did, in fact another member of this forum (Clare) has a Dragon Puffer who also puffs to get attention if her food is late, just like Martha did!
Wow your puffers are BEATIFUL! what size tank do you have the three in?
Joel said:
Wow your puffers are BEAUTIFUL! what size tank do you have the three in?
They're currently in 50g, but will need upgrading soon. Fortunately, Dragon Puffers are slow growing.

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