Fish Fanatic
Well i've just gone and bought a hump back puffer and he really is cute!!
i'll post some pics sonn on dial up at the mo but getting bb as soon as the modem arrives !!
just a couple of questions though does he need salt, have been told he is FW but have read some conflicting reports
also i've seen him referred to as the fugure 8 puffer is that right just i thought that they were something completly different
Also i havn't updated my sig yet so dont panic he's in a nice roomy tank on his own so he can't eat my corys or lovely oto's!!!
i'll post some pics sonn on dial up at the mo but getting bb as soon as the modem arrives !!
just a couple of questions though does he need salt, have been told he is FW but have read some conflicting reports
also i've seen him referred to as the fugure 8 puffer is that right just i thought that they were something completly different
Also i havn't updated my sig yet so dont panic he's in a nice roomy tank on his own so he can't eat my corys or lovely oto's!!!