Huge Rip Thread

/me holds his hat to his chest and bows his head for several minutes


(several minutes later)

<sniff> :-(
yeah sorry for the loses, I lost my Betta to Dropsy about a month ago, he wasn't a fancy one, just a red crown tail from the LFS, almost show worthy, but had a white head. :blink:

I'd love some HM Bettas, aint got the room though. B)
Thanks for your kind words, guys :sad:

I'm sorry to hear of your week and your losses. It seems quite bizaar, I wonder if it has something to do with your water, maybe? You're on a well right? Maybe it has something to do with the lack of rain here in Texas. I don't know, but gee :(
Nah, it's not the water or they'd all be dead. The albimarginata actually spawned again the day the whole divided tank fiasco started. Something just contaminated the water in that one tank, and while I'm not 100% sure what it was, my bet is the shower soothers.
Thanks for your kind words, guys :sad:

I'm sorry to hear of your week and your losses. It seems quite bizaar, I wonder if it has something to do with your water, maybe? You're on a well right? Maybe it has something to do with the lack of rain here in Texas. I don't know, but gee :(
Nah, it's not the water or they'd all be dead. The albimarginata actually spawned again the day the whole divided tank fiasco started. Something just contaminated the water in that one tank, and while I'm not 100% sure what it was, my bet is the shower soothers.

Could be, but the stuff I use in my vaporizer is the exact same stuff that's in those shower soothers. The vaporizer was on for 2 days and nights straight, about 3-4 feet away from my betta tanks. (I'm in a dorm room... I had little choice. :p ) All of my bettas are just fine... it didn't phase them a bit.

So sorry for your loss, Synirr. :(
Believe me, I know how you feel. My bettas may not be as fancy as yours, but I love them all, nonetheless. And like you I've also been losing a lot of bettas lately. Two males and three females. I'm so sorry for your loss. But we just have to move on, I guess.

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