Huge Rip Thread


"No one is a failure unless you try"
Mar 18, 2004
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I'm just numb. We've had a lot of losses lately. A lot. First the divided tank was somehow poisoned (see the Disaster In The 10 Gallon Divided Tank thread). None survived. Gilarion, Raziel, Mikhael, a new unnamed fish... Loki was the last to go and passed sometime last night. It was so weird, the ends of their fins would go completely necrotic before death. Like finrot, but the whole second half of the fin was black with a perfect red line separating it from the healthy tissue, and occasionally pieces would fall off. I can only assume the same sort of damage was done to their gills and other organs and they simply never stood a chance.

Today my copper-black plakat female also passed. She had a bought of velvet which was easily cured, but ever since then she had been slowly wasting away. It looked a lot like TB, but she never came into contact with it to my knowledge. I do have one remaining betta with TB, but NOTHING that comes into contact with him ever touches another fish; he has his own nets and everything. She was the fish I was planning to start my CT plakat line with :(

I'm down to just 14 adult bettas, it's so weird. Soon to be even less I think... Adramelech (the one with TB) doesn't look long for the world and poor Mini has had pineconed scales for a week. She looks and acts perfectly normal otherwise, but I'm afraid it's a sign of liver failure. I'm really attached to her and hope I can save her, but I just don't know what to do. I tell you, when it rains it pours.
Aww that us tough hon. Hope that you have it figured out with the divided tank, that is really sad that they could not be saved. Best of luck and hope things start looking up.
What a bad time you're having. Hope Gypsy can help you keep your spirits up and hope you can reach some conclusions about why things happened soon.
Sorry for your losses :-(

Poor Mini, I know what you mean about acting normal but pineconed. Roxy my green female lasted over 2 weeks like that. She ate all the way through but was just gone one morning.

So sad that we have these lovely fish with fantastic characters and then have to watch them slip away feeling completely helpless to do anything to stop it.
Yeah, some weeks are like that. But usually it's at least one up thing going on. I think most of mine are a real positive , then three hydrogen bombs blow up my new car! I hope you find deeper meaning soon and some comfort.

I'm sorry, Sam.
Aww, poor bettas and poor you:( I've lost my MG HM, he wasted away,as is Tiberia... Not looking good, I think I need to stick to juvies from now on... :rip:
So sorry for your losses. When you devote so much time and energy, and take such excellent care, it just doesn't seem fair. :sad:
Oh, Synnir, I'm so sorry. I've lost too, not to that extent, but losses no less. Hagen, one of your men, passed from an accident in Miami, and I lost an imbellis in IL. It's terrible to lose fish, and you've lost so many in such a short time. Not long ago, you had another thread with losses.

:rip: :rip:

All I can offer is a big online hug. You'll be ok. People probably think we're nuts, my friend does, but here, we are all caring people who love our animals. I think it makes us better people.

Take care, Sam.
I'm sorry to hear of your week and your losses. It seems quite bizaar, I wonder if it has something to do with your water, maybe? You're on a well right? Maybe it has something to do with the lack of rain here in Texas. I don't know, but gee :(
:sad: :/ :( :-( :unsure: Oh no how sad,but I think things always happen for a reason. Keep your chin up ;)
I'm so sorry, Synirr. I totally understand how attached we get to these little fish, and having them die so quickly from an accident is just really sad. :( RIP boys.

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