Huge Problem Lol


New Member
Aug 20, 2005
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Ok I have had my 55 gal for 3 months now or so. been cycling whole time, the ammonia was off the chart 3 weeks ago, and now everything is off the chart. so i did a 50% water change and its all the same. what should i do
Are you doing a fish cycle, or a fishless cycle, can you post test results, if you have fish how many and which type.
It is a fishless cycle. Well I dechlorinate it after i put the water in. like right after the water gets in the t ank i pour the stuff in to dechlorinate it.

Test results, well I don't know cause they are all off chart the highest my tester goes is 6.0 for ammonia and its like blue and the 6.0 is green. The nitrate is like 80-200 which says stress. the highest the nitrite goes is 10.0 which is a dark pink and mine is like a dark red. the ppm hardness is like 50 which says moderate. the ppm alkanity is around 80 and the ph is below the lowest number which is 6.4 which is lowest so its below 6.4.

hope this helps lol
It's peaked the reading should start coming down.
It is a fishless cycle. Well I dechlorinate it after i put the water in. like right after the water gets in the t ank i pour the stuff in to dechlorinate it.

Test results, well I don't know cause they are all off chart the highest my tester goes is 6.0 for ammonia and its like blue and the 6.0 is green. The nitrate is like 80-200 which says stress. the highest the nitrite goes is 10.0 which is a dark pink and mine is like a dark red. the ppm hardness is like 50 which says moderate. the ppm alkanity is around 80 and the ph is below the lowest number which is 6.4 which is lowest so its below 6.4.

hope this helps lol
If everything is off the charts, just do a big water change to get things back into a range you can actually monitor. Ammonia and nitrite somewhere in the 3-6ppm range would probably be ideal for bacteria growth.

Maybe you could describe how you're doing the fishless cycle?
well i thought 50% water change was a big change :/

It is a big change, but if you hypothetically had 20ppm of ammonia in there and you did a 50% change you'd still have 10ppm which is still off your scale ;)

Are you adding ammonia daily? If so, stop until you can get measurable readings
k did another50% water change and test nitrate is 40. nitrite is around 10(above). hardness is 80. alkanity is 250 and ph is still off chart probly a 5. and ammonia is still off chart i am guessing around a 7-8 by the color
what should i do now, anothjer water change or just wait it out
I did no cycling with my 10 gallon and all of my fish survived. I had 4 tiger barbs, 4 danios and 4 neon tetras.
your pH is off the chart? on the high or the low side?
low side. the lowest my chart says is 6.0 and the color mine is looks about a 5.0 i would guess

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