Thanks to everyone for their interest and advice
Our new tank is going to be 220 UK gallons, so it's great to hear that we can have another one (maybe 2 !!??) in with him. What sort of turnover (flow) rate does this type of tank need?
My present tank now looks like there's sand dunes everywhere (it started out completely flat) and he's made himself about 3 burrows next to or under the biggest 3 ornaments. Bones divides his time between all 3 sites and he's often out on show as these 3 places are near the edges of the tank. He's not overly shy, if you put your hand near the tank he doesn't swim off. He spends a lot of his time wriggling side to side to move the sand out of the way and further improve his burrows(I originally wanted to call him Ug, short for ugly, but my kids said I was mean! lol). In fact, anywhere he lays for an extended period gets this treatment, hence the sand dune effect and everything in the tank being covered in a layer of sand.
He looks noticeably bigger already! The water stats are back to 0 again so the bacteria have obviously multiplied to cope with his size.
My guppy males are no longer scared to venture to the bottom of the tank and have stopped hiding on top of the filter! lmao.
The new tank's decor will have to carefully thought out, as I don't want him digging out under stones, etc and collapsing the lot on top of himself.
I will try to take some photos of him in the next week or 2.
At the moment, the salinity of the water is reading 1.003 SG. In order to slowly raise the salinity to 1.005 SG should I add more salt than I am at present. So far, I've been adding 112.5g sea salt to 12.5 litres of water and each time I'm changing 2 buckets of water but only one of which has salt added. Should I now add 1 1/2 buckets of salted water if doing a 2 bucket change or can I just add more salt to the first bucket. If so, how much salt should I add? ( I was thinking 168.75g or is that too much too quickly?).
Many thanks to all once again and I promise to keep you all posted.