
no ive never even herd from them. If you was to buy some from there, put them in quarantine for a good few weeeks as the stress could be quite high, also its always a risk buying online as you can risk loosing your money or even taking ages just to get a fish.
i dont think i would buy fish online any way i like to watch them my self just curious if any was has bought from this compnay or another company
I notice that they sell Longnose Filefish without giving any warning as to what their feeding requirements are.

Just my opinion on online fish buying:

Extra stress on the fish, higher result in illness or death
Extra cost to you in postage, especially if they use heat pads and box etc etc (they make you pay one way or another)
You don't choose the fish, they do (you can't see its behaviour first)
Very few places offer garuntee (though you should be more concerned about the fishes health than your money)
And most importantly, you don't get that feeling of when you walk into your LFS spend ages looking all the fish over before finally making a choice and taking it home looking forward to introducing it to it's new tank mates.

If this was a mastercard add the last one would be priceless :) (i just reminded meself of it :blush: )
Half of my marine fish I have ordered, and so will every other fish I get. Most did very well, but the Angel got Lymphocystis (a non-fatal viral disease), and a goby I ordered from there died, but I did get refunded for it.

i was browsing the web for live rock and found this
and wondered if any of u guys had bought any fish from here

I haven't tried buying fish from that store. I currently do not have plans to buy fish online. But I do have buying fish online experience from other stores. :) Checkout the feedbacks and reviews for that site. Good or bad, it would probably be posted online. Good luck! :D

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