Hows My Decoration? *lots Of Pictures*


New Member
Mar 23, 2007
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Hello everyone,

Here are pictures I took today because I cleaned out the tank and got bored so I took a few pictures to share with you guys. I've rearranged the setting couple of times before this one. I've had these 3 female Bettas for 3 months now.








It looks very busy mate - alot going on - is that a beer bottle and glass ????

i think it kinda hides the fish so you cant see them

Not sure it is to many peoples taste but as long as you like it then thats all that matters ...

alot of people try to keep it natural looking but each to their own .

Dan :good:
Gonna be one of them marmite threads (love it or hate it)..............

I dont like it i must admit, looks like a late nite at a students flat to me....

Am i far off?
Gonna be one of them marmite threads (love it or hate it)..............

I dont like it i must admit, looks like a late nite at a students flat to me....

Am i far off?

hehe thats what i was thinking...some had a few too many coronas and missed the trash lol

i do think it looks too busy as said earlier...not a fan really...sorry
I think that removing the bottles, the tank would look much better. Do the Betta's ever try swimming into the mouth of the bottles? I'm sure they would get stuck if they did!
:lol: :lol: :lol: :drinks: :- :band: :beer: :beer: :beer: :sick: :beer: :alien: :oh:

i think the smilies represent a usual student night out

Dan :shifty:

You need a being sick in the gutter and being huckled by the police smileys for the end. But then I'm Scottish, so ity wasnt a good night out unless you were taken home in a meat waggon! :blush:
I think it would look much nicer without the bottles personally - maybe replace them with a couple new clay pots or cave type thingys so they can hide in them.
Otherwise I think its nice. And your fish are beautiful :good:
Just curious, what size is the tank? And how well do the females get on, seems like a small space for 3 female bettas and not a lot of hiding spots :unsure:
Like a previous poster said, it would look much better if you replaced the beer bottles with clay pots.
And that looks like a small tank. Females need to be in groups of 7 no less, unless you are only keeping one. I suggest you get a 10 gallon and more females.
Well, I for one sort of thought it was clever. It seems like the perfectly decorated tank for a dorm room- as long as visitors don't mistake it for a proper trash can lol. And is that a spaghetti factory glass? LOL!

It looks like the fish can get in and out of the corona bottle pretty well, surprisingly. It does look a little cramped, but you probably know how much exercise your fish are getting in there better than we do.

One thing I'm uncertain of is the metal bowl in the back left corner. I'm not sure what rules there are around this whole thing, but I believe any kind of metal inside a tank can be poisonous. (Correct me if I'm wrong, I even take my rings off before feeding my frogs in my 10g!)
Like a previous poster said, it would look much better if you replaced the beer bottles with clay pots.
And that looks like a small tank. Females need to be in groups of 7 no less, unless you are only keeping one. I suggest you get a 10 gallon and more females.
i agree with this statement, infact it i was thinking it, just too slow in posting.
it does look a small tank, and only 3 females, aggression could be high, i also dont see a filter or a heater, is there one, if not can i ask why?
the tank doesnt suit my liking, im not a fan of fake plants, or the glass bottles, im more of a natural looking tank person, but however, i can say your bettas are looking ace and very colorful.
I think the bottles are pretty clever actually just so long as the females can get in and out of them with no problem... ie they don't have to wiggle hard to get through.. they can swim with ease through the opening. I do however agree with some of the other statements that the tank does look pretty small. So with that being said I would take out one of the bottles.
The bottles thing is a cute idea but with all of the other decor combined, it does look very busy.
I would take out the metal bowl (not even sure if that's safe to have in there).. the buddha.. and either take out some of the larger rocks or scatter them across the floor a bit more.
The fake plants could also be arranged a bit better.. perhaps pushing them off to the side so they're not so in your face instead of the fish. Also if you push them off to the side.. you could put one of the bottles in the center as sort of a centerpiece and since it would be clear, it still wouldn't give that cluttered appearance :D Also perhaps think about getting some black gravel. It looks like you really like that green/aqua color.. so just let the plants look like that. With the black gravel, your attention will be more focused on the rest of the tank.
But yeah.. you should really think about getting a larger tank.. 10gallons would be prefered and probably a few more females.
Just remember that you need to provide plenty of hidey spots for them.

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