How Would You Stock A 90 Litre Tank?


Fish Expert
Feb 26, 2011
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How would you guys stock a 90 litre tank? It has a black small gravel substrate.

Current stock is:

3 balloon mollies
1 neon tetra (will soon be 6+)
1 guppy
1 swordtail
1 platy
2 BN's
3 apple snails.

Any help appreciated, open to all suggestions.

Why do you have so many individual fish?

I would think that a small group of livebearers would be more interesting than just one of three different varieties. I would go with a group of males, either guppies or platies (assuming you aren't looking for fry). If fry are not such a problem for you, then mix one male with 3 females - preferably platies, since the females are just as colorful as the males. You could also go with a male swordtail and 3 females. But, personally, I wouldn't have so much mix and match.
Other than the balloon mollies and the BN's everything else is just what is left from old stock. The platty and swordtail are both males and don't want to introduce any more females as i am fed up of fry. Currently have a 30 litre setup with the swordtail fry in. Guppy's don't seem to last very long in my tank so i'm not going to bother with any more of those. I've kept most of the common live barers so don't really want to up the numbers of platty's and swordtails hence the question.
try some gouramis in there and maybe some more tetra, black widow maybe
I've had black widow before and found them a bit nippy. Also just gave a pair of blue dwarf gourami's away. Might consider the honey gourami's though, i think they would work a treat! Thanks for the suggestions!! :good:

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