The other week I was mucking around in one of my 4ft tanks taking out some of th sand and accidentally dislodged some of my brislte nose eggs, I thought I had saved all the eggs and put them into a breeding net to hatch in one of my other tank, and left the sand and old fish water in a tub. I planned to let some mozzie wrigglers hatch in the tub as food for my fish. Now we have had some very cold days here (down to 2 degrees cel) and the tub was sitting on concrete in an uninsulated car shed. So imagine my surprise when today I happened to glance into the tub and spied 2 bristle nose fry , alive and well in the tub of water with no heater, no filter and not even any food added. So it seems bristle noses are pretty tough....well at least mine seem to be .
And no fear the babies have been caught and added to the net with all thier brothers and sisters in a heated and filtered tank with plenty of food.
And no fear the babies have been caught and added to the net with all thier brothers and sisters in a heated and filtered tank with plenty of food.