How to?


New Member
May 26, 2003
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What is the best way to take a picture of the tank? Should I use the flash or not? Close up or farther away. Most of mine end up blurry, I want to contribute some pics. Please help.

P.S. I am a scuba diver and have an underwater camera. Could post some "in tank" pictures... Have never tried it, but could be pretty cool!
Hi there Kim, and welcome to the forum :)

The best lighting to have when taking tank pictures is the room lights off, and the tank lights on. Try not to use the flash as it will most likely reflect back off the glass and ruin the shot, but if u do need to use it, then angle the camera so it bounces the light away from the picture. How far away u take the shot depends if u want a whole tank shot, or a close up of a specific fish.

The underwater pic idea sounds very interesting, carnt wait to see how they turn out!! :D
I get my best pics at night with all but the tank light off and use the flsh on my cmera (slight angle like stix said) but that is my camera. some cameras have better low light and will be able to do tank light only with no flash.
i put the lens right up to the glass to stop my hands from shakeing as im mr wobbly fingers when im snapping :book: :hooray: :snap: hmm i like the new smiley face
my camera is pants and with night pics with the lights on sometimes gives different shades of colour in the pictures
I have taken most my pictures with my room lights off, tank lights on. I use a digital camera with the flash. I usually shoot on a slight angle close to the tank. I use the manual focus. Letting the camera do it, it usually focuses on the incorrect spot or when it gets in focus, the fish swam to another location and out of focus. Some of my tank and individual fish pictures with this technique can be found on my fish web page here.
well i think i deserve star prise for this wonderfull snap i took of the cichlids while trying to get my cray to come out of hiding. :lol:


  • hmm.jpg
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Does your camera have a macro setting? That might help to get the fish in focus. Did you manually focus or let the camera focus? I have very little luck letting the camera focus.
Here is a few of my pictures off my web site.

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