How To Work Out Electricity Costs Of Tank Eqiupment


New Member
Feb 14, 2007
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Hertfordshire, UK
I have a 55 gal tank but want to work out the yealy costings of electricity do any peeps here know the easiest way of doing this.

Also i have a fluvill 305 filter on my tank but still have bits floating around that dont seem to gettaken away by the filter, it is running at full pelt plus has been cleaned out inside to check it was not that that was slowing it down at all, would it be a good idear to have another type of filter inside say to help, like to here your views on this as i dont want anything happening to me discus becos of this, only have 4 in there and do regular water changes every 2 days
you could try looking on here.
its a very good website but to use their tool you must first register.
one simple way to calculate is if your say heater is 100W, lets say its on for about 18 hours a day (heater thermostat, on off)
against you forgot to turn off your 100W light bulb for a few hours. are you gutted.
do you leave yourPC,TV,Sky,DVD,VCR,CD,player on standby.
see where i'm going.
yout tanks filter. 25W running 24/7. isnt that bad is it?
tanks light. say 2 flouro tubes each 30W on 10 hours a day
your thoughts?
I would say that unless your running alot of unusual equipment that draws alot of power (like metal halide lighting), your bills arnt affected that much by the tank. The thing that prob draws the most power continuously is your lighting and wouldnt say its anymore than keeping a hallway light on. If your heater stayed on constantly, depending on its wattage, that would prob be the most costly but its barely on enough to register a cost. There have been lots of topics on this here on TFF and lots of arguements too.

Thinking about it.... the most expensive thing about a tank, aside from set-up and stocking, would be your water bill. Doing a 25% water change on a 55G every week adds up. And for some of our members who have upwards of 20 tanks, even if they are only 10 and 20G, still all need water changes and the volume of water they will grow through I'm def sure they've noticed. Luckily, the water bill is included with my rent every month in my apartment :D
you may find one of these very useful and not just for the fish tank.

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