How To Vacuum A Tank With Fry In It?


Fish Crazy
Feb 13, 2007
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hi all, i need to do a 25% water change after its the first one since my fry were born 4 days ago (as i didnt want to shock them or their mum) well ive caught most of them about 25 i have in the breeder and theres still a good 7-9 in the main tank, so how do i go about vacuuming the gravel properly without sucking up fish, (i will be using just the tube not a big vacuum end) thanks in advance
I use the big vacuum and If I happen to catch a baby or too in the bucket I just fish them out and put them back before I dump the bucket. They seem to do just fine and the tube is big enough that they don't get hurt. It;s like going on the big water slide! WEEEEEEEEE!! Lisa
The fry should swim well enough to get out of your way. If not, they're generally small enough to get taken on the water slide and can be put back pretty easily.

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