How to tell if bladder snails eggs hatched?


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Jan 22, 2024
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Hello everyone. I have a single adult bladder snail in one of my betta 10 gals who went on an egg-laying spree recently. I have been monitoring the first clutch I noticed very closely, and it has been over a week at this point (without counting how long passed before I even noticed it). I have not seen any baby snails at all, but its appearance has now started to 'decay' compared to younger clutches. The slime envelope has been eroding to the point that it is almost gone, the eggs have gone from opaque to yellowish, and have begun to look like they are withering. The same is happening of another clutch I found on Sunday, which, based on the opacity of the eggs, was even older. Does this mean they hatched? I really hope they have not died as I do not see any snabies :(
Unlike many other hermaphroditic species, blader snails cannot self-fertilize. They need to mate with another snail to produce offspring. Whatever they are identifying to.
If it succeeded, they will come in large number. But I hate them, so many could not have not lived long enough to achieve that. I'm pretty sure that, when there is only one, it's difficult.

I have them in masses in water so soft, they are translucent, but they are still able to reproduce and there was a lot. They are in an abandoned tank that I only maintain filtration and light, 0 food only top-off, for the moment... But still there's a colony of cherry shrimps competing with them and they probably are winning because I see a lot less snails now They probably go for their eggs and feed off the dead ones. But that is more than 5 months evolution. It will take forever for the shrimps to take over these pest. They have conquered the filter, pump all tubing and I can ear them spinning in the impeller and getting shot back in the tank, loll.

And Just by using "loosely" some of my gear, they appeared in my Seed shrimp tank that was doing it's year without a single one. and started feeding of my beautiful algae growth.

Since then I'm killing headpins on sight.

They are contagious to the point I have, separate pipette, turkey baster for each tank.

You should be able to add a pinch and they will blow the cover of the tank. Starting a colony with only "one" member, seems strange from all point of view.
I usually know if the eggs hatched is cuz I get to see more snails lol, but luckily my mini ramshorns aren't getting too weird.
I found two snail egg clutches on my amazon sword, squished them off and got rid of them.

As cute snails can get, they can also get pretty nasty in numbers.
If it succeeded, they will come in large number. But I hate them, so many could not have not lived long enough to achieve that. I'm pretty sure that, when there is only one, it's difficult.

I have them in masses in water so soft, they are translucent, but they are still able to reproduce and there was a lot. They are in an abandoned tank that I only maintain filtration and light, 0 food only top-off, for the moment... But still there's a colony of cherry shrimps competing with them and they probably are winning because I see a lot less snails now They probably go for their eggs and feed off the dead ones. But that is more than 5 months evolution. It will take forever for the shrimps to take over these pest. They have conquered the filter, pump all tubing and I can ear them spinning in the impeller and getting shot back in the tank, loll.

And Just by using "loosely" some of my gear, they appeared in my Seed shrimp tank that was doing it's year without a single one. and started feeding of my beautiful algae growth.

Since then I'm killing headpins on sight.

They are contagious to the point I have, separate pipette, turkey baster for each tank.

You should be able to add a pinch and they will blow the cover of the tank. Starting a colony with only "one" member, seems strange from all point of view.
Ok thanks! Hopefully I'll start seeing some babies soon :)
I usually know if the eggs hatched is cuz I get to see more snails lol, but luckily my mini ramshorns aren't getting too weird.
I found two snail egg clutches on my amazon sword, squished them off and got rid of them.

As cute snails can get, they can also get pretty nasty in numbers.
So I've been warned haha. I haven't had babies yet so the novelty still hasn't worn off...
Ok thanks! Hopefully I'll start seeing some babies soon :)

If you can bring a little bunch, they are not really water dependent. And minimal food is required.

If you like them, you can add Cuttlefish bones and spirulina, they will get color. It's true that they can become huge and fun. And at some point will eat their own eggs and smaller acolytes maintaining their own populace.

But a Bladder Snail an inch wide is still... Awesome some ways...

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