Sorry guys take so long to reply y'all. I'm a bit busy to setup this tank carefully. I'm started love this hobby. ;-)
About some harsh respond; it is okay guys, I'm not offended bout your comment. Don't worry. & Thanks to moderator for some clarifications also you all guys to give a lot of important answers.
For some of your question; If you means my BGK 5L tank, then I don't have any filtering that time while bought that fish. Now I have 1 new tank 25L which is still not enough size for my Senegal Bichir with a complete filtering. Yeah, could be possible also why my BGK not survive. The tank size, no filtering & because a pair reason.
Right now I have another issues.
Today I got some knowledge from internet about Cycling the tank with or without fish to make sure all will be running ok. As I already bought a fish before setup/cycling the tank, so I need to cycling the tank with fish inside. So this evening(Malaysia time), after back from office, I went to the Aquarium shop to get all the tools for cycling check. I'm bought test kits for pH, Ammonia, Nitrite & Nitrate.
I did the test for all the kits & found my tank contained of 8.0ppm Ammonia,5.0ppm Nitrite & pH 6.8. Then quickly I took out the water around 35% from the tank & fill in the freshwater. Then I did a test for second time. These a result pH 7.2,Ammonia 4.0ppm, Nitrite 0.15ppm.
I think the Ammonia still higher. & what should I do? (Sorry if I use this questions in the same thread, just tell me if I need to open a new thread for this questions)
I went out to the aqua shop & bought "Algone Water clarifier & Nitrate remover". The seller said it can remove the ammonia & Nitrate from the tank. Just put it into Tank filter. Can anyone clarify these?
Then, when I'm cameback home, I did a test again for 3rd times (after 4 hours)to make sure everythings ok. Here the result. Nitrate 5.0ppm, Nitrite 0.15ppm, Ammonia 3.0ppm, pH 7.0.
I think this result also still dangerous for fish. I'm worried about my Senegal Bichir there.
Sophie1992 said:
Anyone here can tell me how to take care this type of fish (Black Ghost KnifeFish). 2 weeks ago I bought it a pair of black ghost & put it into 5L tank together with small Bhotia Fish. Seems to be okay at first. But after around 12 hours, their life are gone. Do not know why. My tank fully of fresh water (after feel it with anti chlorine). I don't have any tools yet to measure the temperature & pH of the water.
Then a week later, I was tried again bought a pair of Black Ghost. Now I just put this fish only in my 5L tank. Then, again, they were die less than 24 hours. Still wonder what is the cause this was happenned.
I like that fish, but looks like very difficult to care.
Hope any advices here.
Have a little look here my dear -
Full of lots of information that will help you and your fish
Perhaps start with the Setting Up The Aquarium and go from there?
In the picture you posted, the orange and black fish are Clown Loaches and can reach 30-40cm in the right conditions (even though it can take a while!)
Perhaps it might be worth looking into some smaller fish species to get you started into the hobby? But before that lets make sure they are going to go into an aquarium where they can thrive and be happy
If you need anymore help, please do post and we can try and help as much as possible - that is why we are here after all!
Thanks Sophie1992. I will go through the link. Right now I think, I need to settle my tank first with my Senegal Bichir which is I need to do something bout it. Could be I need to find some money to buy a new big tank ASAP.