How To Sex Angelfish?

What age do they usually reach their sexual maturity and get ready to spawn. I have also been wondering about my angels, who are still juveniles, at about 4 months. This is one of my blue pinoy smokey's, who seems to be the dominant angel in my tank right now. His head does have a slight hump rather than being more of a straight slope like some of my others, but obviously I know that doesn't necessarily mean much. Also, do the caudal filaments that they develop mean anything at all? This one has developed a much more pronounced and longer "sword" on the top of his caudal fin than the others, as you can kinda see in this picture.
I was told by my boss at work that it isn't a Sure-Fire way to tell but a method that works sometimes is with a more mature fish you can make an imaginary line from their dorsal fin to the back one, and if they meet up you can base their gender like that, but it's really difficult to do and it's not a 100% guarantee that it works.
Can anyone tell me at what age they might start pairing up and breeding? My blue's who are actually about five months are starting to show what I can only describe as pairing behaviour, as I have seen in other SA's, but of course this is all speculative.

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