I'm just started saltwater tank can you explain some kind of information and things I have to buy for the reef tank?
like substrate, hydrometer, refractometer brand and stuff, as of right now I only have 10 mollies in the bare bottom saltwater tank.
Another question; Do I need things like power head and wave maker to mix salt?
Sorry for asking a bit too much, I’m just getting started on saltwater things...
Many people will keep their tank bare. That's something useful if you are keeping certain corals. I personally like to have sand. I use a specific one I have found works great. It is Carib Sea Arag-Alive 20-Pound Fiji Pink Sand. I am not sure you can get it all over the world though.
There are a couple of things to talk about in regards to this marine substrate. First is the “alive” part. It has bacteria already in it. This reduces cycling time and makes for a much better start to a new tank. But this also means that the consumer has to be cautious when buying this. There is an expiration date on the package. The bacteria will eventually die off and this date is a measure of that. You will also notice that the bag has water in it. This is for the bacteria. If this water is gone do not buy the bag or send it back to Amazon if you already did. Sometimes this will happen if the bag gets punctured or it is a sign the bag is well beyond the expiration date.
The second thing to talk about is the word “pink” in the title. This sand isn’t really pink, like pink gravel in a freshwater tank. It has some light flakes of pinkish material in it. I personally wouldn’t even use that word to describe it. However, it isn’t pure white. There is even some gold colored flecks. For me, this fits my personal aesthetic really well. I’ve used it many times and love it.
Also, the size of the sand is such that it doesn’t hold onto detritus. It has that nice grain size where stuff doesn’t get trapped but there is enough surface area for bacteria to thrive in the sand bed. Also, if you enjoy infauna like worms or snails that dwell in the sand it is perfect. Also perfect for watchman goby and pistol shrimp.
A hydrometer and a refractometer
These are both used for the same thing - determining your salt level. I own both but I like to use the refractometer better as it is way more accurate. They used to be very expensive but no longer are. I am not sure exactly why they have dropped so much. I paid $85 for mine 20 years ago. You can get them now for half that or less that are still good quality.
A quick note on salt that sometimes gets overlooked - you top off your tank with fresh water not with salt water. Salt doesn't evaporate so as water leaves the tank your salt level will actually go up. If you were to top off with salt water you will continue this upward climb. Topping off with fresh keeps your level. I have an auto top off system that keeps my tank topped off.
You really do need a powerhead to mix the salt. I have a 35 gallon Brute trash can I put the water and salt in and drop in a pump. I then use that same pump to pump the water out of the can into the tank and I used that same pump to pump out the amount I want to change.
I know you just asked about a powerhead for mixing salt but it is a good time to mention them in general.
Yes, you need this. Your tank will need flow. The fish you have are going to be used to a certain current and they will be more healthy if you replicate it.
No, you don't need this but you want it. I use a Vortech MP40 on my tank. It doesn't just make waves, it can do all sorts of water flow changes. Waves aren't really where it is at. There is a lot of info and a video about how much flow you need here:
How Much Flow Do I Need? – Fish Tank Fan