How To Process Coconut Shell


Fish Addict
Dec 27, 2005
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Land of The Shining Corn
I'm going to get a coconut shell for my little Betta and read that some processing is necessary before it can be placed in the tank. Was it bleach that can be used to take the tannic (?) acids out of it? Thanks for any info. :alien:
When I made mine I just boiled it for around an hour then let it soak in cool water for around 30 mins and it was fine when I put it in my tank
I have a coconut I bought at xmas and it is still sitting there complete, nobody wants it. So what do bettas do with it? What should I do with it? I am all excited now...both my bettas have made massive bubble nests :) :* I was telling them about these beautiful ladies they had at the lfs!
In the DIY forum theres a topic about making coconut caves, theres pics and everything

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