How to prepare new tank for first fish?

They have only been in the tank 3 days I bought both of those. Although the tabs won’t arrive till next week.

shall I add the flourish supplement today? Do I just drop in the dosage?

also I have heard of API QuickStart do I need to put anything like this in for the cycling?
A water test kit arrived today so I will do that this evening and post the results.

thanks so much for your help
They have only been in the tank 3 days I bought both of those. Although the tabs won’t arrive till next week.

shall I add the flourish supplement today? Do I just drop in the dosage?

also I have heard of API QuickStart do I need to put anything like this in for the cycling?
A water test kit arrived today so I will do that this evening and post the results.

thanks so much for your help

If you have the Flourish Comprehensive Supplement for the Planted Aquarium, follow the directions. Add the recommended dose (it is x ml per x liters or something) once, then the same three days later. Do the first dose the day following the water change (if doing water changes). This is what I usually do in new tanks, then after the first week I just do one dose weeklyon the day following the weekly water change.

With plants you do not need QuickStart or any similar product. That is only adding more stuff into the system for no reason. Once the plants are clearly showing signs they are growing (I see some of this with some of the Vallisneria, but give it a few days for more, and the swords will send up new leaves from the centre of the crown) we can consider which fish to add.

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