How To Make Your Own Live Rock


Fish Crazy
Feb 16, 2006
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hi i was just going through my files and found a file on making your own live rock so if anyone wants me to send it to them then let me know. i cant put it on here because its to big.
IMO... making your own is way too much work for the benefit... if you don't want to pay the premium buck (which of course none of us do) for LR from the lfs, then buy baserock... usually $1.99-2.99 a lb (sorry if you need metric... stubborn american here :shifty: ) and you can just cure it yourself... same thing you would be doing with making concrete LR... but not the hasle of forming the rock, curing the cement, then curing the rock itself.... prob cheaper too... just food for thought

Ox :good:

Ha, just noticed, OP from 2007--- doubt your gonna get the email Houston...
While this is old I will point out that I can make my own live rock for around 50p per kilo (less than $0.50 per lb), and I can make any shape I want (such as a "table" with 4 legs for my eels to sit under).

You won't find any calcerous based rock in the UK for that which you know will end up with anaerobic areas for dealing with nitrates.

Mixing the concrete isn't exactly hard and I just cure my rock in the toilet cistern. No worries there. After that it goes straight in the tank.
I stand corrected, maybe I'm just lazy... hence why its easier for me to just buy baserock... idk

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