How To Know If A Cat Is Healthy.


Feb 17, 2007
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Hi all. Would like to know if your going to by a new cat how can you know if it is healthy, in other words what to look for.
just check that they are active,that they have clean bright eyes,no discharge from the nose and check that they dont have any dirt on their backsides a sure sign of the runs.There is no visable signs of the other more serious cat diseases
Make sure they don't look thin or look bloated signs of worms.
Check the anus to see if its not enlarged or sore looking.
Eyes like been mentioned.
Just check the ears.
eyes should be bright
should be active
behind should not be sore or dirty
waste should not have any worm eggs, or anything abnormal in it, or be runny ( :sick: ) or too hard ( disgusting but it plays an important part! )
should be alert
should not limp
no wounds of course
you should be able to feel the ribs but not see them
no discharge in the nose or eyes
should not have been declawed, claws look strong but not too long
clean teeth, no red line where the gum ends
no missing patches of fur
no throwing up or excess hairballs
breath should not smell too bad
ears should be clean (no ear mites either)
not too much scratchng
no ticks or fleas in the fur
that should be all :shout:
I always get a rescue cat and they have all been in the wars but a lot of care attention and love they repay any vet , food bills not been unhappy with the few I've had as they seem to last a long time. If the last ones age was right he had lived eighteen years but I think the vet got intiial age wrong.
really, the best way to know if a cat is healthy is to have experience with other healthy cats.

i'm sure that you're already doing this, but try to spend time playing with other people's cats every chance you get. by the time you get your own, you should be pretty familiar with what the average cat is like.
really, the best way to know if a cat is healthy is to have experience with other healthy cats.

i'm sure that you're already doing this, but try to spend time playing with other people's cats every chance you get. by the time you get your own, you should be pretty familiar with what the average cat is like.
I don't know any one who has cats.
try to find a local animal rescue, i'm sure they'll always be glad of extra volunteers, it means you get to care for lots of animals and gets lots of experience before taking on your own.
try to find a local animal rescue, i'm sure they'll always be glad of extra volunteers, it means you get to care for lots of animals and gets lots of experience before taking on your own.
But i'm only '11 yers old'. How can i work?
voluntry work shouldn't have age restrictions! just going down for a few hrs on the weekend will help both them and you
volunteer, taken from

1. a person who voluntarily offers himself or herself for a service or undertaking.
2. a person who performs a service willingly and without pay.

it's when you do work but don't get paid for it. you offer your services because you will gain something from the experience or because you want to help

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