How To Keep Plants Alive?


New Member
Jun 27, 2012
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Hello everyone, im new here :) just joined. I'm sorry if i have posted in the wrong section, but i would like to get some advice on how to grow plants in my tropical aquarium. I have bought many live plants over the years and they have all rotted and died, even with use of plant food. some details of my tank, i have a 48"x18"x15" tank which houses four large-ish angelfish, three clown loaches, a pim pictus (did have a pair but one died) a large pleco and a smaller pleco. I have trouble with the pleco keep uprooting the plants, so im not sure how to deal with that either.

I have a special fluorescent lamp (i think its called marine white?) and it seems to grow this weird plant/fungus in the tank, which is black and grows on everything including my pump, ornaments, plants (when they are alive) and even the sealant on the sides of the tank.

I used to (years ago when the angles were babies and the only members of the tank) have two halogen lamps lighting the tank, which grew the plants amazingly, but created far too much heat and used too much electricity.

Sorry for writing up such a big post, but any information on what the weird black stuff could be (and if its bad or not) and how i can keep plants alive for longer, would be much appreciated :)

here is a picture of my tank incase you want to see what i have.
Welcome :good:

Just a couple things, do you know exactly what bulbs you have? Do they say anything on the bulb?

How long are your lights on? The algae is probably black brush algae (google it for pics) and this could be down to a couple of things

Looks to me like you could do with some extra gravel/sand in there to help hold down the plants

The bulb says "marine white 14K, and the light is on constantly throughout the day, from around 7am to about 11pm. I havent got a light for during the night (im told i should have one to help the fish settle down or something?) again im not too sure.

Yeah thanks for the info on the algae, it does look like it is black brush after all. Is that something good or bad for my tank? It's only been around since i had the marine lamp fitted.
Im not great on bulbs but for plants I generally use between 6-8k daylight tubes, which I would suggest you go for, also your lighting period should be no more than 8hours a day to
Prevent algae and to give the fish a bit of a break! Ambient room lighting is fine, there is no need for night lights.
I run my lights from 3-11 on a timer which means its all auto for you, no need to worry.

Im just wondering if it says anything else like t8/t5 etc as this would indicate the type of bulb rather than the colour
Oh right, only 8 hours? I was told it was bad for the fish to be left in the darkness (at night). That makes more sence what you say actually, everyone needs a break haha. The light itself is just a spare kitchen strip light (4 foot in length 240V) which i used to run the standard fluorescent tube until i spoke to a friend of mine that suggested i use the marine white one. Its a 48" 1200mm tube, i think t8 fitment?
Really :lol: who told you that? There's darkness in the wild, just like everything

Ok, lol doesnt sound too waterproof? Anyway i would switch out the bulb for one like I suggested ie a t8 6-8k, drop your lighting period, add some more substrate, and maybe a few root tablets (plant fertiliser) and you're away. Obviously we need to make sure you purchase the right, easy to grow type plants this time
Haha no its not really waterproof, but the lid of the tank i made myself and on the top lip of the glass of the tank i have 2 sheets of glass to stop the evaporation of the water (it was aweful before) which also helps as an aid to deflect any water from the light unit :)

Thankyou for your help, i feel abit more like i know what i'm after now :) haha yeah thats true, the person i spoke to who knows alot more then me said that i should go for a dual lamp set-up something where ones like sunlight, and ones like moonlight, and that you can set it all to act as if it was natrual light fading to darkness and stuff? not too sure what to make of that really.

I shall look in my local shops for a more suitable light for my fish, then invest in one along with some more live plants.

Thanks alot for your advice :)
Ok mate no probs

If you want moonlight type lighting you can get some cheap led strips from ebay, i got mine for £4.50 or something, but theres no need to run it all night but a couple hours either side of your main lights is good


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