How To Keep A Platty


Fish Fanatic
Sep 13, 2008
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Hi there!
My LFS has this thing that they give away one free fish every month and took a platty today. Just one. and now im wondering whether it'll be okay till i get more plattys, atleast three more. Right now i have a 20 gallon with three rasboras, 2 zebra danios, 2 pearl danios and now a platty. Ive read that this fish is hardy enough to survive alone till it gets some buddys. Do provide feedback! Thanks!
He/she will be fine. If you do get more, make sure that you get either all the same sex or at least 2 females per male to avoid any breeding aggression issues.
Of course, up until now you've had all egg layers who are not likely to give you offspring. Now you've got the possibility of a load of baby fry coming :D

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