How To Introduce Live Rock?

Lol a bristleworm! Give it a stroke to welcome it :)
Hehe now thats cruel got nailed by a Brisstle worm the other day still stings 4 days later
he he I;d already read about them!!

I got it wrong its tube worms and theres a good few of them as well as little white bugs with two long antenae?
Now he is rocking and rolling but where are the blooming photos :blink:

Seffie x

ps Simon, get yourself a red torch and shine it in the tank after lights out :look:

i fancy going marine, cos you lot have a right laugh!

Jump on in, its always more interesting over here on the saltier side of life :D
Sorry to hijack your thread, but I have a kind of relevant question - (about to go buy some rock for my first marine tank)

Are gloves a good idea?

lol - no, but seriously...

should i move the sand out the way so I expose the base of the tanks glass to stick straight on there? or is it safe to just dump the rock on the sand?

Cheers all.
Ideally you should have put your sand in AFTER you got the Live Rock, so you can secure the rock in place using the sand.

But if you can move some of the sand to the side, and place your rock, then sweep it around the rock it will be ok. Remember though placing sand around the parts of the rock will cause for it to recieve no ciruclation so that part of the rock will die bacteria wise, so choose your aquascaping carefully! :good:

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