How To Introduce Live Rock?


stuck between a rock and a fish tank
Fish of the Month 🌟
May 4, 2004
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Just off to pick my live rock up now

I;m taking a container to carry it in but my query is do i need to acclimatise it somehow to the water I have? maybe drip the water from my tank into the bucket that will contain the rock?
no all you have to do is put the live rock in your tank :good:
How to introduce rock to tank:

'Tank this is rock, rock this is tank' :rofl: then chuck it in (well maybe not chuck it in :p)

Seffie x
ps dont forget the photos
Ignore seffie!!!! There must be drinks involved and much celebration!!!! Rejoice the birth of your tank!

Ps- I don't recommend chucking the rock in, carful placement is much wiser.

Pps- don't drink to much before placing :)
Ignore seffie!!!! There must be drinks involved and much celebration!!!! Rejoice the birth of your tank!

:p indeed, much rejoicing and merryment should be had and then the Pet rock watching begins - woo hoo :kana:

Seffie x
ha de ha Seffie lol

Photos will probably be on later lol
the tanks very cloudy at the moment

I;ve been watching the rock nothing happening so far lol

I brought it home in a dry bucket will that have killed any life, journey was 45 mins

Its got purple bits on, little bit of algae and some little white tubes on one piece?

I;m made up with my tank of rock!!! lol
yeah if t was 45 minutes dry you will of got a reasonable amount of die off

also did the bucket have a lid on as that would also change it
45 mins is not long you will get die back for sure but you will be surprised what survives you might even have a nice peacock Mantis Shrimp in there waiting to break your thumb as you start aquascaping :hyper:
yeah watch out XD

if you hear a click click and your thumb is in really bad pain then you know you have a mantis

infact if i were you id stick my hand in and wave it about to make sure you haven't :lol: :lol:

(i remember when we took the mick out of young fisher) about this
the mantis shrimp sounds delightful .. if it tries any of that nonsense I shall stick it on the barbie!!!

no lid I;m afraid just exposed to my cars elements and the Doors film soundtrack!!
Bah my live rock spent an hour out of water in a hot car before i got it on the tank, I never got a spike show up at all :)

if you happen to get a mantis (unlikely if it's an old reefers rock) trap the blighter and take it to your LFS, someone is always looking for one.
In fact later this year I hope to set up a species tank for one, they look so cool and would be great for disposing of unwanted kids, in-laws and cats :)
woo hoo spotted my first life, a tiny bristleworm!!! I can;t believe how excited i am just from that!!!
haha simonas did you ever think youd be excited to have worms :lol: :lol:
i fancy going marine, cos you lot have a right laugh!

give us some photos.

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