How To Increase Pod Growth?


Apr 12, 2007
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I started a refugium quite a while back to get some gd pod growth in my tank so i can keep an mandarin or some sort.

Here is a picture of when i started

and here is how its looking now

Ime got plenty of pods growing in the chaeto but problem is none of them seem to be in my display tank so can anyone reccommend any ways of getting the pods into the display tank???
I started a refugium quite a while back to get some gd pod growth in my tank so i can keep an mandarin or some sort.

Here is a picture of when i started

and here is how its looking now

Ime got plenty of pods growing in the chaeto but problem is none of them seem to be in my display tank so can anyone reccommend any ways of getting the pods into the display tank???

Put some cheato in to your display tank? i have some red alge plant and it has lods pods in i had it in my tank for a little while tock it back out i still see pods in the corner ware it was kept!!

Not too sure tho just my penny worth :good:
Yeah, short of taking the bundle of Chaeto and shaking it into the display tank, there's not much you can do. Your other option is to put the refugium above the tank and use gravity to feed the pods back into the display... Then again, even if you do succeed in getting more pods in the display, they're such a large food item for most fish, you'll prolly never "see" much growth in the population in the display. That's why the refugium is called a "refuge"
didnt think of them ideas if i did get a large bit of my chaeto and shake it in my display tank that alone wouldnt gaurentee enough pod growth to keep a mandarin would it??
didnt think of them ideas if i did get a large bit of my chaeto and shake it in my display tank that alone wouldnt gaurentee enough pod growth to keep a mandarin would it??

Think it would be better if you left abit in the tank as they would be safer to reproduce? maybe make a little box outa egg crate so the fish cant eat the cheato :good: every morning i see loads in the corner of my tank
Yeah a little "safe zone" in the tank that the fish cant get into with lots of LR rubble and cheato should do the trick. I have quite a bit of LR rubble behind my main rockwork and though I hardly ever see many pods during the day onces the lights go out my tank is crawling with them.
OR, start a pod farm on your window sill and harvest a couple of times a week for your mandy. All you need is a small tank or large bottle with an airline, the pods and some phyto plankton - bet you have all that already - then in three weeks you will have enough food for mandy yeahhhhhhhhhh :good:

Seffie x

Ive got some egg crate kicking around would i be able to use that to make a box of some sort and bung a load of chaeto in that and place it behind my rockwork???

does it need light though to produce pods???
Ive got some egg crate kicking around would i be able to use that to make a box of some sort and bung a load of chaeto in that and place it behind my rockwork???

does it need light though to produce pods???

not sure on the light for the pods but the chaeto will need some light other wise it mite die off ?? still with eggcrate the fish maybe able to peck at it! but still no harm in trying ! mite work mite not?

better off sticking it in the light it may grow faster then what your fish can eat it :good:
Well i grabbed a handfull out my fuge and put it in the corner of my tank now.......will just wait and see what happens now
youll probbaly have a huge outbreak of copepods. and honestly once you have 1 outbreak of copepods its hard for 1 mandarin alone to eat them all. IMO i dont care what anyone says, i have a 40 breeder and my mandarin is fat every day from sun up to sun down, ever since i had 1 outbreak he hasnt been able to get it to go down. and i have not fed any frozen foods that he eats so hes been living off pods. if you are breeding them in your fuge i dont think you have anything to worry about cuz they are probably breeding like mad men in that thing.
Well my fuge is full of them..........its just they stay there none of them manage to get into my display tank

Thats why ime now trying the bit of chaeto in the display tank to see what happens
is there a tube that leads from the refugium to your display tank for them to travel from one to the other? Actually is that refugium part of the sump?
Yea the refugium is the first chamber of my sump that then goes through 2 baffles and there is another section with more filtrations then the final chamber where th return pump is.

so if anything is to make its way to the tank from the fuge its got a fair journey to go before it gets there.

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