How To Get Food To Kuhli's


New Member
Oct 8, 2006
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Purchased 5 Kuhli's for my new tank (fully cycled) and they seem to be settling in quicker than expected.. They are already out and about exploring the tank..

Problem is come feeding time they appear to miss out.. Im using flakes which sit on the surface and are quickly eaten by the platy's.

Should I be using different food for the Kuhli? i.e something that sinks? Or will they eventually build up the courage to join the party at the top of the tank at feeding time?

I would use sinking pellets or tablets and feed them at night. Not that that will stop your greedy platies, but it gives the khuulies a slightly better chance. Or distract the platies with flakes and then feed the sinking stuff.
I have six happily fed kuhlis and they share there home with 4 pearl gourami, 2 kribs, 6 platys, a giant dojo loach and 5 oto cats. I use both sinking shrimp pellets and algea wafers as well as flakes. Kuhlis love both the algea wafers and the shrimp pellets they work great for kuhli food.
P.S. Kuhlis love bloodworms as a Treat. Of course thats if any makes it to the bottom.
Since my fish don't let too much fall to the bottom I take a few flakes and put it in the outflow of my power filter. While the fish are going nutty over the food on the top the Khulis can munch the bottom stuff.

Also dropping in wafers when dark is a good suggestion as well.
You can feed them Hikari Sinking Wafers or the TetraMin Tropical Tablets. I use both and while I dont have any Kuhlis, my other loaches and cories love them. You can also take some flakes and hold them in the water for a couple of seconds and they should sink to the bottom quicker.

Good Luck :good:
i didnt have any sinking food so what i did was grind up flake food and then dampened then so that they sink. the smaller the flake, the faster it sinks. but i didnt have to worry too much about feeding my khuli. for live food, i put a bit of tubifex in the feeding tubes and while the others are distracted i plonk a bit of it in the water and wait for it to sink.
Thanks every1 for your suggestions..

Looks like im off to my LFS to get some more supplies.. Will try the wet crushed up flakes tonight and see how that goes..


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