From your other post (about the angelfish I think), your water is either cloudy from the medications you used and your tank is not completely cycled if you have an ammonia and/or nitrite level above 0. Anyone on this site can tell you that a mini-cycle will cloud the water if you put too many fish in at once or something like that. I recently had this happen with a feeder fish tank of mine when I stupidly thought a bulk deal was a good idea.
For these mini-cycles, I do not think the filter floss or anything will really work since it is chemically clouded rather than clouded by particles. The best is to wait it out until you have a cycled tank, and then start adding things. Carbon filters will help take out some of the cloudiness. There are other filters on the market that will do the same, but they cost A LOT.
I do agree with the over filtration ideas and there is never a such thing as filtering too much. Still, a filter doesnt take out the ammonia or nitrites and very few nitrates can be removed by carbon over the long run. I also would be leery about the 'quick fix' water clearing chemicals and stuff unless I was sure that the problem was particulate since these work by making particles stick together and become large enough to be caught in filter media. I once cleared up a tank with these methods by using the drops of chemicals coupled with wrapping a clean, steril t-shirt around my filter media (carbon in my case) which picked up the finer particles because the t-shirt is not as pourus. That was after putting a bad rock in the tank though.