how to do fishless cycle, lost

love fishies

New Member
Jul 21, 2004
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I have a 20 gallon with everything. An ornament, 3 live plants, air stone, good filter and gravel and heater. Now how do i start, do i put everything in tank with water and conditioner and wait for six weeks. I have heard that you add a little fish food in there daily as if you have fish in tank but is there anything else. Have no idea. With my goldfish tank i did fish cycle but I think with freshwater tank it would be better and less fish deaths with a fishless cycle. Give me as much info as possible please, want to do this right.
ty i will need to read these over and over to get it all. Reading it once helps but I seem to have to read things more than once to get all info in my brain. :S :lol:

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