How to divide an hex 5

Why not keep it for one betta and get another small cheap tank for another? Surely you will hve happier bettas.
a peice of plexiglass or that plastic canvas they sell at Walmart?
I make my dividers from report covers (the spines) & plastic canvas. I use black plastic canvas because the bettas can't see each other quite as well, and the black fits with the frame of the tank. Any colour works though.

Take everything (water included) out of your tank and dry completely. Slide the plastic canvas into the spine of the report cover (both should be previously cut to size). Then, glue the spines of the report covers to the sides of the tank. Wait 24-48 hours, and then you can fill it up with water again. Put a few plants or decorations on either side of the plastic canvas so they can 'hide' if they want.

Excuse me if I'm missing something, it's late. :| There are a few articles in DIY if you want to take a look. You'll need to do a quick search for them. :)
Use glass, it's way cheaper than plexiglass and is pretty stable. Just divide the tank in half and silicone the glass into it.
Plastic canvas is really nice, but you should definitely go with black. I found the white canvas was too easy for my boys to see each other through and they went mad.

If you follow cutechic's instructions, you could end up with something like this, as this is how mine was when it was divided:
Forgot to mention, about filtering..

I had my filter placed in the middle. It's an internal filter but you can change the direction of the output. Mine was right next to the divider, and I had the output aimed at the other side of the divider. That way the water circulated through the whole tank rather than one side. It worked pretty well. :thumbs:
The filter for the hex 5 is odd. On the far left side is the uh...intake and the far right side is the current. BTW littlefishie, is it possible for me to, at will, let the betta see each other or not?
I've got the same hex 5 as you. If you divide it down the middle, your setup will be like littlefishie's: the filter intake tube will be on one side of the divider, and the output will be on the other side. Dividing it will be a bit tricky, I forgot the filter hangs inside the tank a bit. The divider will have to be right up against the bottom of the filter to prevent the bettas from jumping to the other side. I'm not sure it would work -_-

The only way you can let the bettas see each other at will is to have the divider completely concealed by plastic plants/ ornaments/ etc, and removing them when you want the bettas to see each other. I think they'd be just as happy seeing each other whenever they want, with only a few plants or ornaments along each side of the divider to break their lines of sight.
If you want to prevent them from seeing each other you can either break the lines of sight with plants/decorations, or go find some plastic. If you get the front half of a binder or something, you could use that to card them.. I just wouldn't be too sure about leaving it in the tank all the time.

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