How To Convince My Parents..

600 gallons? Wow! :hyper:

I know, I actually thought I had a reasonably big tank until I started using these forums. It looks tiny to me now lol!
y'know i snuck my 33g in lol she was at work and i just out it in a set it up a year ago...shes seen it but never asked about it :lol:

but tbh I think you might have a hard time sneaking in a 6 footer!

what does he usully like you to do, or always bugs you about ?
its cheaper then a bloke if ur liveing at home at 28 bet mum and dad cant wait to get rid of u lol
lol im still in secondary school, maby I could tell them I will move out if they dont let me get one.

nothing really bugs him either so I cant really use that to my advantage, lol I have a job aswell so I make a little bit of money
As a 19 year old who is also under the the "no more pets/tanks/living objects" rule. There are some things you should really consider. If you plan to go to post 2ndary school, be aware there is really no way to take a tank that size with you if you plan to go somewhere. It will be difficult finding an apartment too that is willing to allow such a large tank right off the bat. Also in post 2ndary school time can become an issue. I have all the time in world to work with my tanks in the summer, during school my 55, 20, 15, and 5 can become a bit too much. I'm normally only able to keep up with maintenance and feedings, they get very little attention other than that. Also college takes all my money anyway, so its not like I have much to get more fish :sad: .

I have a 40 gal glass critter cage and empty 20gal that are waiting for me to have time, room, and "permission" for more stuff. That won't come till I'm out of this house... I know though when I do leave I'm going to have even less time and money for more pets... Thats why I'm still here, IDK anywhere else I can get free rent, food, wifi, sat. TV, and kitties. When I move out I probably won't even own a TV :/. My Mom kinda wants me to stay, my dad keeps hinting at wanting me out. A few weeks ago, he brought me home a used microwave for when I move out.... I've already claimed the Vacuum and a number of furnishings too! I do want to move out, I'm just not making enough right now to afford it :sad:.
I have taken most of that into consideration Mikaila31, but I seem to manage my time quite well so far, I am at school 5 days a week, play basketball 6 days (alot :crazy:) and work about 3 days. I still have time for a social life haha.

As for the space, both the uni's I am considering are less than 2kms from my home so there really would be no point in boarding. Money will be an issue as my parents are not contributing for my uni fees (i dont blame them after putting me through secondary school approx $20K a year :blink: )

I guess I havent really thought of moving out yet as I am still so young, either way I will probably be at home for atleast the next 7 years with uni and whatnot. Im sure by then I could drain the tank and put it in storage but I doubt my parents would really mind if I put it somewhere in the house.. unless they sell the house :huh:

either way you have changed my mind towards it, I still really want one but I will think of the long term implications that it could cause..

damnit your supposed to be helping me hahahaha :lol:

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