how to clean the stones in the tank?

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Fish Fanatic
Oct 24, 2002
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hi all, i was just wondering, how would i go about cleaning those stones in the fish tank? one of my friends said to boil em in water for 20 mins or so


hi tazz, when i clean the stones i give them a scrub in hot water then
i boil them for 10 mins, :thumbs:
If its just alge ur removing, just use one of them wooden nail brushes, works great :)
heh i boiled em for like 10-15 minutes... i was afraid they would lose their color (red) if i boiled em or somethign =)

anyway thanks for the replies =)

I found the easiest way to clean gravel. I have a five gallon bucket, I put the dirty gravel in it, a whole gallon of cheap bleach, and if I have to, I add water to cover the stones completely. Leave for a few days, or up to a few months if you wish. When ready, rinse well. The bleach will completely break down any "gunk" in the gravel, it will look brand new.
Arent you worried about killing your biofilration? Im not critisizing, just wondering.
The majority of the bacteria live in the filter. But lets say it is just 50%, then it will only take one day for their population to double bringing it back to the original size of bacteria population ;)
One thing to remember.....

Bacteria only inhabits the first inch or so of the gravel bed.

How do you know which 50% to take out?????? ;) ;) ;) :p :p
Well over 50% of the entire bacteria of the tank live in the filter if its a biological one. Take out all the stones and you'll still have more than 50% of the original bacteria in teh tank ;)

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