Fish Fanatic
Well, I have decided to just chuck the rock. I left the rock out for over 24 hours and he still did not come out. Unbelievable.
*Edit - Ok since chrissaysyes is a long time hobbiest, I realized he meant the "true fireworms" which sting like hell and leaves a nasty burning feeling. I think I then have only a "regular" bristleworm but they're still annoying and long AND TOTALLY HARMLESS...a couple of them in the rocks and inside the filter. most of the ones in the sand are small ones. Tweezers here I come!
I have a Cleaner. I set my trap once more, but I left the bait in there ot create a stench that should attract him. That is what the store told me to do.By the way, if you dont already have any cleaner shrimp or shrimp in general in your tank, a coral banded shrimp or arrow head crab will knock out both bristle and fire worms pretty quickly. Not to mention coral banded shrimps are really cheap and really nice to look at